ESFRI Domain: Environment
Status: Landmark
Legal entity: ERIC
LifeWatch ERIC
A distribuited e-Infrastructure to support research and sustainability of biodiversity and ecosystems
LifeWatch-ITA aims to enhance integrated scientific research in the field of biodiversity through the construction of a common technology backbone.
The Italian node of LifeWatch is organized into four Thematic Centers - Biomolecular, Collections, Interactions, Mediterranean - focusing on species, their genetic and phenotypic traits (including behavioral traits), their niches and their interactions, and integrate expertise and infrastructure for molecular and bioinformatics analysis, quality resources related to native or alien species containing time- and geo-referenced information, and tools and services to standardize, integrate and analyze data in a wide range of historical data sets. The four centres are linked by four transversal groups focused on technical aspects (Modelling, ICT), biodiversity organisation and conservation (Alien Species), and to involve citizens (Citizen Science).
RI contact person at UNIMIB: Prof Paolo Galli, [email protected]
List of services provided to Researchers: https://www.lifewatch.eu/web/guest/catalogue-of-virtual-labs
National node website: http://www.lifewatchitaly.eu/
For further information, please contact the Research Administration Department at [email protected]