ESFRI Domain: Health & Food
Status: Landmark
Legal entity: ERIC
ECRIN - The European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network
A network of high-quality multinational clinical trials for high-level medical research
ECRIN is a public, non-profit organisation that links scientific partners and networks across Europe to facilitate multinational clinical trials and research. It provides advice to sponsors and researchers, management services and tools to overcome critical issues emerging during the development of international clinical trials by strengthening a collaborative environment.
Italy, as a member of ECRIN, through its national network ItaCRIN, exploits its national network of clinical research infrastructures thanks to ItaCRIN, the ITAlian Clinical Research Infrastructure Network. ItaCRIN provides diverse services in the methodological support, pharmacovigilance, monitoring and data management as well as overall project management, increasing access to patients, resources, and expertise, and, in turn, potentially more robust trial results.
UNIMIB participates in ItaCRIN with the Bicocca Clinical Research Office (BiCRO) which supports researchers and clinicians of the University and ASST Monza who want to conduct non-profit clinical trials, of which the University is the promoter, also providing support in regulatory activities, pharmacovigilance, data management, monitoring and statistical analysis.
RI contact person at UNIMIB: Prof. Maria Grazia Valsecchi, [email protected]
List of services provided to Researcher: https://www.ecrin.org/activities
National node website: https://www.itacrin.it/
For further information, please contact the Research Administration Department at [email protected]