Bicocca: a University on the road to Sustainability

Universities are called to act sustainably, not only to improve facilities and services, but also as a reference for the context and local area in which they
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 United Nations Agenda are our guide: we want to be the key players of change.
There are 35 thousand people at Bicocca: a small city on the road to sustainability, starting from BASE: Bicocca Environment Society Economy
BASE is the body that proposes, plans and implements the University’s sustainability plan through management and structural actions, with educational
and training activities designed to change the behaviour of users.
With BASE Bicocca makes all the difference: in training and in social inclusion, in the protection of global resources and the reduction of waste, promoting
energy efficiency and sustainable mobility to reduce the environmental impact of our footprint on the Planet.
The time to act is now, in small steps and thanks to everyone’s commitment, all together.
Together with numerous other Italian universities we have created the Network of Italian Universities for Sustainable Development(RUS) and are also proud
of the world wide network of Sustainable Campuses (ISCN).
So that sustainability can permeate all fields of action, starting from teaching and education, to become a valuable element in research projects and a driver of
innovative actions at the service of society.
We want to be key players of the surrounding territory: the future is in our hands.
With BASE, Bicocca makes all the difference; join us so you can make a difference too!
Follow BASE on social networks to find out about its activities and events:
Facebook: bicoccasostenibile
Instagram: @bicoccasostenibile
Twitter: @BaseSostenibile