ESFRI Research Infrastructures (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) are facilities, resources or services of a unique nature, identified by European research communities to conduct and to support top-level research activities in their domains. ESFRI selects proposals of RIs in strategic areas of research and with an adequate level of maturity to become ESFRI Projects, and identifies successfully implemented RIs to become ESFRI Landmarks.
ESFRI project
The ESFRI Projects are RIs in their Preparation Phase which have been selected for the excellence of their scientific case and for their maturity, according to a sound expectation that the Project will enter the Implementation Phase within the ten-year term. They are included in the Roadmap to point out the strategic importance they represent for the European Research Area, and to support their timely implementation as new RIs or major updates of existing RIs. The Projects can be at different stages of their development towards implementation according to their respective date of inclusion in the Roadmap.
ESFRI landmark
The ESFRI Landmarks are RIs that were implemented, or reached an advanced Implementation Phase, under the Roadmap and that represent major elements of competitiveness of the ERA. The Landmarks can be already delivering science services and granting user access, or can be in advanced stage of construction with a clear schedule for the start of the Operation Phase. The Landmarks need continuous support and advice for successful completion, operation and – if necessary – upgrade to achieve optimal management and maximum return on investment. In order for an ESFRI project to become a landmark, the political support expressed by the Governments of the EU Member States and Associated Countries must be clear, and this support must be verified by the ESFRI delegations.
ERIC – European Research Infrastructure Consortium
ESFRI considers implemented the IR for which the Member States, and eventually the Associated States, have formalized a legal entity. To facilitate this formalization, the European Commission has prepared a specific but not a mandatory instrument, a consortium company form under European legislation called ERIC - European Research Infrastructure Consortium.
The ERIC becomes a legal entity from the date the Commission decision setting up the ERIC takes effect.
More information on: http://www.esfri.it/
The University of Milano-Bicocca hosts the following ESFRI Research Infrastructures, that provide access to services in the scientific domains of Environment, Health & Food, and Social & Cultural Innovation, categorized at European level.

The University of Milano – Bicocca also collaborates with the following ESFRI Research Infrastructures, in the domains of Health & Food, and Physical sciences & Engineering: