The University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB) is at the forefront of the challenge of excellent research through its institutional and proactive participation in 12 Research Infrastructures - RI ESFRI (European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures) and also in the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) initiative.
In the light of this strong progressive positioning of the university in the ESFRI world, of the current scientific debate (i.e., reproducibility of scientific data, RRI) and of the new application criteria for national and international calls, UNIMIB recognizes that it is no longer only strategic, but a priority that RIs become a tool and a familiar environment of scientific development for all researchers, with particular attention to the new generations.
During 2020, UNIMIB has been a forerunner in promoting knowledge, use, and participation to ESFRI RIs through the cycle of webinars IR ESFRI AL SERVIZIO DEI RICERCATORI (ESFRI RIs AT THE SERVICE OF RESEARCHERS), organized by INFRAUnimib - Research Area in collaboration with all RI referents and institutional governance.
Each stage was dedicated to the services of each IR present in the university. Among the more than 400 researchers who participated in at least one webinar, the presence of PhD students was progressive and majority.
The ultimate goal of the overall institutional action is to have a strong impact on the quality of Milano-Bicocca research: by increasing awareness, dissemination, and consolidation of the use and participation in Research Infrastructures, the culture of quality of scientific data and results (FAIR, ELSI, RRI) should consolidate and become an integral part of the toolkit of every researcher.
The entire 2020 cycle is now available to the whole UNIMIB Community by authenticating directly at the following link