ESFRI Domain: Health & Food
Status: Project
Legal entity: ERIC (applied for)
MIRRI – MIcrobial Resource Research Infrastructure
A coordinated platform to manager macrobial resources to support research in biotechnology
The Microbial Collection of the University of Milano-Bicocca (MicroMiB) is intended to be a repository of micro-organisms of human and environmental isolation, relevant to human health.
MicroMiB comprises a growing number of bacteria and viruses, including related nucleic acids, associated with virulence and/or drug resistance, whose molecular mechanisms have been investigated and characterized at the Laboratory of Microbiology and Clinical Virology of the University of Milan-Bicocca, as part of diagnostic and/or research activities.
These microbial collections will be crucial in the transfer of knowledge and resources from the academy to industry to lead to the research and development of both diagnostic and therapeutic services and products, aimed at overcoming some recent challenges in the clinical field, such as the emergence of antibiotic resistance and improved molecular diagnostics with the aim to improve human health.
RI contact person at UNIMIB: Prof Clementina Cocuzza, [email protected]
List of services provided to Researchers: https://www.mirri.org/defaultinfo.aspx?page=Services
National node website: https://www.mirri-it.org
For further information, please contact the Research Administration Department at [email protected]