ESFRI Domain: Social & Cultural Innovation
Status: Landmark
Legal entity: ERIC
CESSDA – Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives
A large scale, integrated and sustainable platform for data services to the social sciences
The mission of CESSDA is to provide a large-scale, sustainable research infrastructure that enables the scientific community to conduct high-quality research in the social sciences, contributing to the production of effective solutions to the major challenges facing today's society and to facilitate teaching and learning in the social sciences. The infrastructure is a consortium of trusted repositories covering the whole of Europe, offering both data producers and re-users a rich platform of tools and services.
CESSDA believes that access to social science data and metadata is vital for science, and for society at large. For this reason, the IR offers services to data producers to easily describe and store their data, adhering to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles. CESSDA also focuses both on training and on possibility to transfer and share data skills and knowledge, as well as relevant rules and regulations.
RI contact person at UNIMIB: Prof Sonia Stefanizzi, [email protected]
List of services provided to Researchers: https://www.cessda.eu/Tools-Services
The Italian partner UniData on CESSDA official website (the Italian national node is under discussion): https://www.cessda.eu/About/Consortium/CESSDA-Countries/Partners/Italy
For further information, please contact the Research Administration Department at [email protected]