Students with disabilities and with SLD in possession of an Individualized University Project (P.Uo.I) can use the services listed below by activating them as indicated in the Instructions for the use of the services that you find at the bottom of this page, at item "documents and forms for requesting services".
Services to be requested directly from the B.Inclusion Space B01_Technical and Didactic Aids (According to the provisions of Law nr 17/99)
B01a_Italian Sign Language Interpreting
B01b_Text in digital format
B01c_ Textbooks adaptation: Paper enlargement Digitization
B01d_Support in reading
B01e_Additional table
B02_Transport with equipped minibuses
B03_Accompaniments with operators within the Campus for educational or institutional activities coaching during lunch
B04_Nursing Assistance administration of drugs (The service is provided after the signing of an indemnity document)
B05_Reserved locker
B06_Support for participation in international mobility programs
To be agreed, on the basis of the various disciplinary learnings, with the collaboration of the teachers and Helpdesk
B08_Interventions for the use of the lessons
B09_Teaching tutoring The student can take advantage of a service focused exclusively on the content aspects of the disciplines, organized in collaboration with the teacher of the subject
B10_Exams of profit
B10a_Precedence during oral exams
B10b_Supporting during exams Reading Writing Oral
B10c_Additional time (30-50% more) o Quantitative (but not qualitative) reduction in written exams
B10d_ Additional time for answering in oral exams
B10e_ Equivalent tests with modalities to be agreed with [email protected] and the teaching teacher (eg: from written to oral, from oral to written, ... ..)
B10f_Compensatory instruments and / or dispensatory measures Text enlargement Calculator Concept maps, memory tables and forms Italian digital dictionary Personal computer Non-evaluation of errors of form, spelling correctness and transcription of numbers / signs / symbols Subdivision of the exams
B10g_The student / ssa benefits from the possibility of recovering any exam sessions or partial exams in the event of hospitalizations or absences for health reasons related to his / her medical condition.
B10h_The student / ssa may request to sit the exams in individualized sessions
B12_Technological consulting
B13_Consulting on the study method
B14_ Psychological Counselling
Distance teaching imposes the need to follow videotaped lessons and to participate in videoconferences, both for moments of comparison in teaching, and for dialogue with teachers. It is possible to obtain subtitling of video and audio automatically and in total autonomy using the following services:
- on iOS devices the most convenient and effective subtitling application is probably Ava, which listens and transcribes what is picked up by the device's microphone: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ava-best-live-captions/ id1030067058
- Ava also has a version for Android devices: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.transcense.ava_beta
- on Android you can also use the Google "Instant Transcription" app, which is simpler and more immediate than the previous one and also allows you to save texts via copy-paste: https://play.google.com/store/apps/ details? id = com.google.audio.hearing.visualization.accessibility.scribe
- on any PC with the Google Chrome browser it is possible to obtain automatic subtitles using Web Captioner: https://webcaptioner.com Also in this case, the transcribed audio is that picked up by the computer through the microphone, so the transcription of recordings and videoconferences is not optimal.
- for advanced use of Web Captioner, or to subtitle everything that comes from the audio output of the computer, it is possible to configure the audio system of the device to "forward" the signal to Web Captioner. A video tutorial is available to perform this operation on Windows and Mac: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSKXnOnqNYA The software to be installed to obtain what is described in the video can be downloaded from here:
for Mac> https://bit.ly/sf-mac
for Windows> https://bit.ly/vbcable