There are several initiatives launched during the year by the Disabled and SLD Service; you will find below the links for further information.

The B.map project: together for a more sustainable and inclusive university is promoted by B.inclusion in collaboration with the "inclusion and social justice" area.
The aim is to promote aspects of social sustainability, through concrete actions of co-mapping of spaces to promote an environment accessible to all and in which to create opportunities for comparison and oriented towards raising awareness and inclusion of the university population as a whole.
The project will act in parallel on two levels:
1. Improvement of the accessibility of spaces through co-mapping of architectural and environmental obstacles within the buildings and in the outdoor spaces of the Bicocca campus. From an operational point of view, heterogeneous groups will be created between students with disabilities and not to map together the obstacles encountered during the daily journey;
2. Promotion of the culture of inclusion in the university population (students, teachers, PTA) with declination on the theme of disability through the planning of training courses and awareness-raising events that can lay the foundations for the construction of a university space that is accessible and truly inclusive .