Browse the section Study Services for students and graduates Student Associations Student Services Bicocca Campus - Opportunities and facilities Orientation Office & Job Placement Fees and funding Disability & SLD: B.Inclusion space Service desk Experience Bicocca Image Amounts, deadlines and payment methods TAX GUIDE - a.y. 2024/2025 TAX GUIDE FOR PH.D PROGRAMS - a.y. 2024/2025 FEES – SPECIALISATION SCHOOLS PagoPA GUIDE ISEE ISEE GUIDE for Tax- a.y. 2024/2025 ISEE form Incentive Programme: scholarships, accommodation and canteen service Call for application dsu incentive programme scholarships and benefits - a.y. 2024/2025 Call extension: ISEE Guide for DSU benfits 24/25 Call extension: Table of merit 24/25 Contacts E-mail for ISEE and Tax: [email protected] E-mail for scholarships and benefits: [email protected] Latest News 10 February 2025Final ranking for the international mobility integration of the DS scholarship a.y. 2023/2024 11 December 2024University fees 2024/2025, first balance payment (for degree courses only) 27 November 2024Right to education: final ranking for DS scholarship, a.y. 2024/2025 by Area didattica e dei servizi agli studenti, last updated on 19/03/2025