If you have a disability, a SLD or a BES, you can register for the entry tests according to the procedures indicated in the announcement of each Degree Program. In each call you will find a special section dedicated to candidates with disabilities and / or SLD.
- Additional time: - Maximum 30% for Candidates with SLD and / or SEN - Maximum 50% for Candidates with DISABILITIES
- Support during the test by an operator of the Space B. Inclusion in reading and / or writing
- Accompaniment by an operator of the B.Inclusion Space to and from the test room
- Unscientific calculator (only if Dyscalculia is diagnosed)
- Enlarged Text / Video Magnifier
According to current legislation, the aids listed above are the only ones allowed for carrying out the Entrance Tests. The use of other aids such as dictionary and / or vocabulary, form, periodic table of elements, concept map, personal computer, tablet, smartphone and other similar tools is not allowed.
You will have to formalize the request for supports during the online test registration procedure (as indicated in the respective calls or on the specific internet pages), attaching (making sure that it is a readable and non-modifiable format):
- the certificate of disability issued by the ASL (for candidates with disabilities)
- the diagnosis of SLD issued by accredited or authorized facilities (for candidates with SLD)
- the certificate attesting to the Special Educational Needs issued by accredited or authorized structures (for candidates with SEN)
N.B. Failure to submit the documentation within the terms set out in each call will not entitle the holder to use the required media. On the day of the test, the candidate who has not applied in the manner described above will not be able to obtain any help or additional time.
What characteristics must the invalidity certificate have?
- Be issued by the competent public health facility for the area, pursuant to law 104/92 and subsequent amendments (certificate of handicap)
- be issued by INPS, pursuant to law no. 118 of 30 March 1971 (civil invalidity)
In both cases the Documentation must contain the Diagnosis without OMISSIS
What characteristics should the diagnosis of ASD have?
- meet the criteria of the Consensus Conference (2011)
- report the nosographic codes, the explicit wording of the DSA in question, contain the information necessary to understand the individual characteristics with indications of the areas of strength and weakness
- have been issued by structures of the NHS or by bodies or professionals accredited by the Regions and for no more than 3 years (Ministerial Decree 5669/2011) if performed before the candidate's majority age or after the eighteenth year of life (art.3 L . n.170 / 2010 and subsequent State-Regions agreement of 25/07/2012)
Candidates with invalidity, disability or SLD / BES from EU and non-EU countries, resident abroad, who intend to take advantage of the envisaged measures, must submit the certification attesting the state of invalidity, disability or SLD issued in the country of residence , accompanied by a translation, sworn or certified by the Italian diplomatic representations in accordance with the original text, in Italian or in English. The University bodies in charge of examining the certifications ascertain that the foreign documentation certifies a condition of invalidity, disability or specific learning disability recognized by Italian law.
At the close of the registrations (according to the deadlines set by each call), a Commission in charge will carry out an evaluation of the documents and requests received. On the basis of current legislation and ministerial indications (Decrees, Guidelines, etc ...) it will establish which supports to grant to each candidate. In the event that the documentation received is incomplete or non-compliant, you may be asked for an integration to the e-mail address indicated during registration. A few days before the test, you will receive a communication, to the e-mail address indicated during the test registration procedure, with the outcome of the assessment of the aids granted.
On the day of the test you will have to show up at the place and time of the meeting indicated in the reference notice or in the registration receipt. If accompaniment and / or coaching has been requested and agreed, the personnel in charge will be directly at the meeting place. If you no longer need the accompaniment and / or coaching service, you will need to send a written communication to the address [email protected] as soon as possible to allow us to notify the operator.
For information about the supports for the National Tests you can write to [email protected] For information about the supports about the TOLC and TOLC @ CASA tests, you can write to [email protected] For everything concerning the enrollment and general enrollment procedures, you can find information on the University website or on the CISIA website for the TOLC and TOLC @ CASA tests.