There are several possibilities to collaborate with the B.Inclusion Space, depending on the activities you want to do and the time you can dedicate to them, you have the opportunity to choose the project or collaboration you prefer and that is closest to your aptitudes and availability. Below you will find all the necessary information but, in case you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact us or, even better, come and visit us, we will explain everything.

Being an operator for one day means dedicating 1 day a week to make your contribution in providing accompaniment and coaching services for students with disabilities and students with dsa of our university, collaborating with our Service. The collaboration lasts for 1 year, from January to January of the following year. This experience will also allow you to follow a specific training course and achieve the open badge "Peer tutoring for students with disabilities and with dsa" Consult the student collaboration calls page to see if there are any active calls. If you wish to receive more information, come and visit us, we will be happy to explain every aspect of the collaboration in detail or write to [email protected]
The universal civil service is the voluntary choice to dedicate a few months of one's life to the defense service, unarmed and non-violent, of the homeland, to education, to peace among peoples and to the promotion of the founding values of the Italian Republic, through actions for the communities and for the territory. The universal civil service represents an important opportunity for training and personal and professional growth for young people, who are an indispensable and vital resource for the cultural, social and economic progress of the country. At our University, and in particular at our Service, it is possible to participate in specific projects by carrying out different activities such as the accompaniment and coaching of students with disabilities and SLD enrolled at the University, but also the promotion of an inclusive culture at the University. inside the University through participation in Open Days or cultural initiatives. Civil Service Operators usually carry out daily activities on two shifts, one in the morning (8-13) and the other in the afternoon (13-18).
For more information on the civil service, please visit the internet site serviziocivile.gov.it or the pages of our Universal Civil Service on our portal.
For some of the students who turn to our Service it is necessary to be able to count, during their university career, a figure with certain skills, who can support in reading texts or manuals for the preparation of exams or theses. If you participate in the calls, you can become a "reader". Consult the pages of the site where you can find information on the calls for applications for which you can submit your application.
If necessary, we activate specific calls for limited activities for which we need dedicated support. See if there are active calls and if they are of interest to you, consult the dedicated page (available in Italian).
The last hypothesis is this! 100% volunteering. No announcement to participate in, no compensation, just the desire to give your contribution and help others.
How to do? By writing to the e-mail address [email protected] or, even better, by switching from the Service