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A gateway for access to biobanks and biomolecular resources for health research

ESFRI Domain: Health & Food
Status: Landmark
Legal entity: ERIC 

BBMRI ERIC - Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure
A gateway for access to biobanks and biomolecular resources for health research.

BBMRI ERIC is the European Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure: it is a large distributed infrastructure supporting biomedical research in Europe: it consists of 20 Member States in addition to the IARC, making it one of the largest research infrastructures for health research in Europe. Its main aim is to improve and facilitate the pan-European research based on access to quality biological samples and related clinical data, through the sharing of best practices and dedicated services, including the ELSI Services and Help Desk, for ethical-legal-social issues, the IT Service and the Quality Service.

Through its Directory, in compliance with ethical, legal and quality requirements, BBMRI ERIC provides unique access to samples and data stored in more than 600 partner biobanks. Two specific tools, Locator and Negotiator, facilitate the identification of where samples/data are biobanked, and the interaction of researchers with the biobanks to request samples and data. BBMRI ERIC services are available to all researchers, institutions and civil society. is the Italian node of the IR in which 95 biobanks participate, together with research institutes, patient and trade associations. UNIMIB hosts the coordination of the node and the ELSI Service.

RI contact person at UNIMIB: Prof Marialuisa Lavitrano,

List of services provided to Researcher
National node website:

For further information, please contact the Research Administration Department at 

by Redazione Centrale, Last update on 2020-09-30