Academic Senate

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The Academic Senate contributes to defining the University’s policies, strategies and development plans. It formulates mandatory proposals and opinions on matters relating to teaching, research and student services. It coordinates and works with Departments and any teaching coordination bodies, as well as ruling on any disputes.

Composition and responsibilities are established by the University Statute, under Chapter II, art. 11.


The Academic Senate formulates mandatory proposals and opinions on matters including:

  • the University's three-year planning document;
  • the annual educational programme, teaching regulations and teaching plans, after consultation with Departments and Schools;
  • the activation, modification and closure of courses, campuses, Schools and Departments;
  • the progress and development of research activities and their promotion, possible through forms of association as specified in Article 41;
  • the determination of fees and contributions to be paid by students, as well as exemptions and scholarships and the allocation criteria for these;
  • the use of the University Reward Fund for professors and researchers

Further information are available in Italian:

by Settore Affari Istituzionali , last updated on 13/10/2021