CIE Authentication

Logo CIE

“CIE, the electronic identity card, is the solution that allows you to access the online services of the Public Administration using computers, tablets and smartphones”.

The CIE system is active to guarantee all citizens single, safe and protected access to the digital services of the Public Administration.

UniMiB accepts the CIE - Electronic Identity Card

The University's online services are also accessible through the Electronic Identity Card as well as with the University credentials and through the SPID credentials.
These modes are all valid and each user can use the method to authenticate according to their preferences.

All about the CIE

You can find answers to questions on the subject Electronic Identity Card here:

How to access the University's online services with CIE

Follow these simple steps to access Unimib digital services:

  1. Open the authentication page
  2. Choose the Enter with CIE option
  3. Follow the instructions shown on the video
by Sistemi informativi, last updated on 19/01/2023