
Fees are set every year by the Board of Directors.
The first instalment is €156.00 and must be paid at the time of enrolment while the fees for subsequent years (2nd and 3rd) must be paid by 30 September 2023.
The second instalment, paid exclusively by PhD students with grants, is defined on the basis of the ISEE (Indicator of Equivalent Economic Situation) and varies from a minimum of €0.00 to a maximum of €1200.00 and must be paid by 16 May 2024.
Payments must be made using the pre-filled PagoPA slip which can be printed directly from the Payments page in the Reserved Area of the Online Student Registry. The procedure is performed entirely online and no forms will be sent to your home.

Payments with PagoPA can be made using 2 methods:

  1. By printing the payment slip, which can be paid at any payment service provider belonging to the PagoPA circuit (e.g. banks, newsagents, etc. N.B. not at the post office);
  2. By paying online: using the dedicated link on your Online Student Registry profile you can access the online payment function that will show all the payment service providers in the PagoPA system (possible payment methods include direct debit and credit card).
  3. For banks using the CBILL system, the interbank code or SIA code is: 1G192 CODE: 1G192 

Late payments

If payments are made after the due date, the fee will increase depending on how long has passed since the deadline:
10% for late payments of 1-60 days;
15% for late payments of 61 days and above;

 For further information on the deadlines and methods of presenting the ISEE visit the fees section.

Deadline for submission of ISEE: 15th November 2023

by Scuola di dottorato, last updated on 30/11/2023