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The doctoral student may request a suspension of up to 1 year for the following reasons:
  • maternity
  • serious and documented illness
  • particular personal reasons
  • employment in public administration on a permanent basis during the probationary period
  • TFA attendance
The "Suspension of attendance” form, available in the Forms section, must be sent to attaching a copy of an ID document and any documentation justifying the request for suspension. During the period of suspension any grants will cease to be paid.
According to the new Doctorate Course Regulations (i.e. starting from the 29th cycle), during any deferment of the discussion of the doctoral thesis, suspension may be only be requested in the case of maternity or serious illness.     
At the end of the period, the doctoral student must notify the Doctoral School that they have resumed attending the course via the "Resumption of didactic activities” form, available in the forms section and signed by the coordinator.
If the doctoral student has to make up for a total suspension of more than 6 months, they must renew their registration for the academic year in which they will make up the missed time, paying only the stamp duty in force.

Students may leave their doctoral course at any time. The student must submit the “Withdraw from studies" form, available in the Forms section, together with a €16 revenue stamp to the Doctoral School Office, having arranged an appointment by phone.
The grant shall remain valid until the date of withdrawal.

Enrolment in a doctoral programme is a full-time commitment. Any work activities of a limited number of hours must therefore be authorised by the teaching staff.
Doctoral students may carry out tutoring activities for students on courses at the University, supplementary and curricular teaching activities, without any increase in their grant, of a maximum of 40 hours in each academic year.
To carry out any kind of work/teaching activity it is therefore necessary to request the authorisation of the Coordinator by sending the “work authorisation request" form, available in the Forms section, to

By law, the University can only issue certificates with a revenue stamp. These can only be used in private contexts and must, by law, bear the following wording: "This certificate may not be presented to public administration bodies or private managers of public services."
It is possible to request certificates of attendance, registration with or without the amount of the grant, and graduation, in both Italian and English, by sending the "Request certificates” form, available in the Forms section to
Following the request, a MAV pay slip will be generated and you will be able to view it on your personal page of the Online Student Registry.
  • €16.00 for the certificate request form;
  • €16.00 for the issue of each certificate
After a few days, the certificate can be picked up at the office by appointment or sent to your home address (cost of shipping: €10 in Italy, €15 abroad).
By law, public authorities cannot request certificates but only self-certifications, which can be printed from your personal page of the Online Student Registry. 

Deterioration, loss or theft

It is possible to request a duplicate by accessing your personal page of the Online Student Registry and selecting the “Request duplicates".
You will then need to send an email to attaching

  • the printed request
  • the MAV payment slip receipt
  • copy of the loss/theft report (or declaration in lieu of the affidavit)
  • photocopy of identity document

Duplicate fee: €20

All doctoral students are insured against both the risk of accidents and the risk of civil liability towards third parties in Italy and abroad during all work activities (study and research). 

For further details and to request an insurance certificate visit the insurance section

University Residences offer accommodation at reduced rates for PhD students regularly enrolled for the academic year 2024/2025.

Students must have the same merit, income and academic requirements as those required for the Right to Study grant. If one of the requirements is not met, it is possible, if there are available accommodations, to obtain accommodation at a non-reduced rate.

Online applications are open from 8 July 2024, also for students not yet registered or enrolled, by accessing the following link: 

Application deadline: 21 August 2024

Further information and the call for applications can be found on the Right to Study Benefits page 

Doctoral students may consume meals at discounted prices in the university canteens and at partner food outlets.
The cost of meals is divided into various brackets depending on the ISEE (Indicator of Equivalent Economic Situation). 
For further information on catering services, see the following pages

Before going on a mission (both research periods abroad and when participating in congresses/summer schools) it is necessary to fill out the mission form (online or on paper) and receive authorisation from your course coordinator and the director of the relevant department.
Upon returning from your mission, to obtain a refund for the expenses you incurred you must complete the form previously filled out, attaching the original supporting documents.
All documentation must then be submitted to the Service Centre, which will forward it to the University's Missions Office for payment.

by Scuola di dottorato, last updated on 09/07/2024