PhD teaching activities are structured as follows:
- Curricular courses (organised by the own PhD programme)
- Interdisciplinary courses (common to all PhD programmes and organised by the PhD School)
In order to obtain the PhD qualification, each student must obtain at least 11 credits (CFU) over the three years (unless the individual PhD programmes have different rules):
- at least 8 CFU must be obtained from the curricular courses specific to their own PhD programme
- at least 3 CFU (mandatory) must be obtained from interdisciplinary courses.
In order to obtain the PhD qualification, each student must obtain at least 8 CFU over the three years (unless the individual PhD programmes have different rules):
- at least 4 CFU must be obtained from the specific from the curricular courses specific to their own PhD programme
- at least 2 CFU (mandatory) must be acquired from interdisciplinary courses.
Starting from the 40th cycle, in addition to the interdisciplinary courses, the curricular courses attended will also be registered in the career.
Curricular courses

According to the own PhD programme, you will first have to fill in the study plan by selecting the courses to be attended for the three-year period.
You can find enclosed the guide for filling in the study plan.
1. Study plan with mandatory teaching activities (PhDs in ASEP, Anthropology, Education in Contemporary Society, Intangible Heritage, Legal Sciences, URBEUR)
IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO FILL IN THE STUDY PLAN ( NOR TO REGISTER FOR THE EXAMINATION SESSIONS). Courses are uploaded directly into the booklet once they have been attended.
2. Study plan with optional teaching activities (PhDs in Physics and Astronomy, Computer Science, DIMET, Mathematics, Neuroscience, Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Marine Sciences, Chemical, Geological and Environmental Sciences, TECSBI).
You will be required to:
- complete the study plan by selecting the teaching activities to be attended for the three-year period
- sign up for the examination session for all the courses in your study plan
3. Study plan with both mandatory and optional teaching activities ( PhDs in Business for society, ECOSTAT, Nursing and midwifery, Psychology, Public health, Resources for the new PA, Strategic innovation for sustainable and smart ecosystems)
You will be required to:
- fill in the study plan by selecting the courses to be attended for the three-year period (mandatory courses are automatically added to the study plan).
- sign up for the examination session for all the courses in your study plan
Interdisciplinary courses

The PhD School offers several interdisciplinary courses to enable PhD students to develop both basic linguistic-communication and technological competences as well as interdisciplinary and soft skills, also offering the opportunity for PhD students students from different areas to discuss interdisciplinary topics.
Interdisciplinary courses do not have to be chosen in the study plan, but will be added to the booklet after the teacher's final evaluation.
Attendance is mandatory for 70% of the scheduled class hours for each course.
The attendance mode (online, in-person etc.) is decided by the teacher and is specified in the syllabus of each course.
You can enrol in a course by entering the Segreterie On-line and choosing “Elective courses”, only during the registration periods specified for each course.
The registration will be closed on the achivement of the maximum number of partecipants specified in syllabus.
No additional registration on the e-learning platform is required
Syllabus and teaching material will be available by accessing the e-learning platform with university credentials.
From 2nd December 2024 to 12th January 2025, by entering the personal page of Segreterie online
Registration for an examination session should not be carried out at the end of each course attended (as for degree courses).
1. Courses with mandatory teaching activities only: IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO REGISTER FOR EXAMINATION SESSION.
2. Courses with optional only or mixed ( mandatory and optional) teaching activities: registration periods, in which several examination sessions will be grouped together, will soon be published on this page and on the e-learning platform.
The aim of the Hands on RRI training days is to guide PhD students from the first to the third year, during all stages of their research, including the final stages of impact assessment and sharing of results.
The RRI training days cover the minimum number of Third Mission hours to be carried out annually. PhD students must inform their Co-ordinators about the Third Mission activities carried out through the end-of-year report.
The programme for the academic year 2024/2025 will be published soon.