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This Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Business Communication and Global Markets has developed within the tradition of the Economics Faculty's economics and business studies degree courses and offers students a thorough training in business management and administration as well as in economic and legal disciplines.
The course specifically involves a strongly quantitative approach with professors and teaching managers of marketing and communication with vast experience of global markets. Specifically, this three - year course aims to raise learners' awareness of the competitive orientation culture of market companies for the development of a professional approach destined for global markets.
In this sense, the competitive culture integrates with the study of the fundamental dynamics of company communication which is the predominant vehicle of globalisation in the market. Business competition requires that students know how to structure marketing activities in the light of such markets characterised by: a decline in national geographic, linguistic and administrative borders, etc.;the development of new consumption patterns and new markets.
Admission and enrolment
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