The Job Placement office provides its students and graduates the necessary support for entering the world of work and collaborates with companies and organizations seeking for qualified professional profiles through various activities and initiatives: Job Placement-AlmaLaurea portal, CV check services and individual Career consultancy, organization of JOBtalk and mentoring meetings, careers coaching seminars, company presentations and recruiting days.
In addition, the office manages the activation of extracurricular internships for recent graduates, the organization and promotion of the annual Career Fair and other career guidance initiatives.


Job Placement Office
E-mail: [email protected]
Resp. Veronica Laterza Tel. 0039 02 6448 6064
Giuliana Casillo Tel. 0039 02 6448 6037
Monica Colombetti Tel. 0039 02 6448 6935
Silvia Dusi Tel. 0039 02 6448 6227
Silvia Solfrizzo Tel. 0039 02 6448 6933

For extracurricular internships: [email protected]
Cristina Agazzi Tel. 0039 026448 6541
Vasyl Zhuk Tel. 0039 02 6448 6222