Public Transport
The University of Milan - Bicocca is easily and quickly reachable with urban public transport services
To calculate the route and check the most suitable means to reach the University from your starting point:
Free transport service from Monza Ralway Station to the Monza Campus
The University offers a free shuttle bus service to connect Monza Ralway Station and the Monza Campus (round trip)
To access the shuttle buses, it is necessary to show of the Bicocca badge in place of the ticket; users still waiting for a badge can ask for a temporary card by opening an help request
The shuttles can circulate up to the maximum occupancy of the permitted seats (standing passengers are not permitted), therefore users are asked not to insist.
Departure from Monza Ralway station - (Stop: Milano Street) and arrival at Monza Campus (Stop: Follerau Street - Vedano al Lambro - MB):
- 08:05 a.m.
08:40 a.m.
Departure from Monza Biomedical Campus - (Stop: Follerau Street/Braille Street) and arrival at Monza Station, (Stop: Milano Street)
17.10 p.m.
17:50 p.m.
Depending on traffic, the departures may be delayed by about 5 minutes.
Lost and Found
Any items lost on buses may be picked up at the bus depot after opening a help request detailing the date, time and shuttle route on which they were forgotten.
The pickup, by appointment, must be made by the owner a delegate with a signed proxy and a copy of an identity document.
Scambus disclaims any responsibility for the integrity and functionality of items left on buses
To check the location of buses in real time, it is possible to log in the Geoportal scanning the QR Code attached below
The website displays a map where you can see where is the Shuttle

Student transport service from Sondrio to the Faedo Valtellino site
The Comunità Montana Valtellina di Sondrio is activating the transport service for students from Sondrio to the headquarters of the Degree Course in Nursing located in Faedo Valtellino (only for the frontal teaching period)
More information on Sondrio accommodation