Public and Private Organizations Law

Public and Private Organizations Law
2 years
open with entry requirements examination
School of Law
Presentation of the course

The Public and Private Organizations Law degree is a two-year graduate program intended to prepare students to work as law-trained professionals at various levels of complex organizations, both in the public and in the private sector. 

To this end, the program covers a wide range of issues which fundamentally characterize the operation of public and private entities in modern legal systems. Such issues are addressed from different perspectives, which include not only the relevant legal fields but also economic and behavioral profiles. 

During the first year, students are offered a common set of courses, which cover the most important issues for both institutions and firms from a legal standpoint, such as contractual relationships between public and private entities, labor law and industrial relations, legal applications of new digital technologies, internal controls and procedures, organizational crimes, accounting and decision-making processes. 

During the second year, students can choose between two specialization tracks, dedicated to deepening their knowledge and understanding of either public or private organizations. 

These courses address aspects such as: public employment, government-owned enterprises, environmental, local and urban law, in the public organizations curriculum; business and financing relationships, restructuring and cross-border operations, in the private organizations curriculum. The program aims at enabling graduates to perform executive and managerial tasks in various core organizational functions, such as human resources, contracts, litigation, compliance, internal audit.

Number of students enrolled
Data source: Indicatori ANVUR - 2020 - 02/04/2022

Admission and enrolment

Admission Procedure

Il bando sarà pubblicato entro il 6 maggio 2022

PA 110 E LODE Admission
President of the Teaching Coordination Council