Statistics and Information Management

Economico statistica
Statistics and Information Management
3 years
limited with entry requirements examination
Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods
Presentation of the course

The Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics and information management lasts three years and entails the acquisition of 180 European Credit Transfer (ECT). This course comprises of 20 examinations corresponding to the acquisition of 162 ECTs.

The remaining ECTs are acquired through other activities such as stage and the final evaluation. Indicatively, the examinations are 7 during the first year, 7 during the second year, 6 during the third year. To access to this course is mandatory to participate to the TOLC-E test of CISIA.

The official language of the course is Italian.

At the end of this course, the Bachelor’s Degree of Science (BSc) in Statistics and information management and the SAS® Undergraduate joint certificate in Data Analysis are issued. SAS - Statistical analysis system - is a leader company for statistical analysis software for making data-driven decisions.

Moreover, this undergraduate degree promotes the SAS Base Programming fors SAS® 9 certification course, the basic certification included in the certification portfolio offered by SAS Institute, with lessons from SAS Institute's teachers.

This title allows the application for 1st level Masters and Graduate Degrees upon the evaluation of the access requirements.

This course aims to provide theoretical knowledge and applied expertise to measure, manage and process qualitative and quantitative data to describe and interpret real phenomena in the management, socio-demographic and biomedical areas. To this aim, the course provide a strong comprehensive knowledge of the statistical methods and jointly informatics skills.

Number of students enrolled
Overall student satisfaction
Graduation rate
Data source: ANVUR Indicators for 2020, last update April 4th, 2022

Admission and enrolment

Proceed with the admission test and pre-enrolment at Online Student Registry


Read the Call for Application


First selection procedure's ranking has been published (June 2024)


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Course of Study Coordinator
Pietro Giorgio Lovaglio