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Technological innovation stems from a deep understanding of natural phenomena, and the physical sciences are the key to uncovering the fundamental mechanisms, transforming them into solutions capable of revolutionizing our daily lives. Physical sciences for innovative technologies represent a fascinating realm where physics intertwines with other disciplines to create cutting-edge applications, ranging from sensor technology to digital electronics, from renewable energies to quantum devices.
The Bachelor’s degree in Physical Sciences for Innovative Technologies distinguishes itself from the degree in Physics because of the stronger emphasis on practical, application-oriented aspects that offer also immediate access to the job market. Beyond technical expertise, the program promotes your personal and professional growth by developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and effective communication abilities. You will participate in internships and engage with faculty and industry experts, enriching your cultural and professional background.
This educational pathway spans three years, it is jointly organized by the University of Milano-Bicocca and the University of Pavia and requires the acquisition of 180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits. All the lectures are delivered in English and integrate traditional in-person teaching with dedicated online activities. This hybrid approach enables you to access in-person lectures, flipped classes, and interactive virtual platforms, offering a flexible and modern learning experience.
By choosing this program, you will not only tackle the challenges of the future, but you will have an active role in the technological innovation, being ready to transform scientific knowledge into concrete actions for sustainable development.
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