Economics, data analysis and management

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Economico statistica
Economics, data analysis and management
3 years
limited with entry requirements examination
Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods
Presentation of the course

Why do so few companies operate in the streaming-platform market, while many compete in the food or in the clothing markets? Where does inflation come from? How do companies work, and what tools can we use to manage them efficiently? How can we employ data to make decisions in firms and in organizations, and to assess the effects of corporate or economic policies? 

Students in Economics, data analysis and management will learn to answer these and many more questions, by dissecting the most important economic and business issues. They will also acquire a solid grasp of the quantitative tools required for rigorous analysis of economic phenomena. Studying Economics, data analysis and management means understanding the functioning of firms, markets (the commodity, labour and financial markets, among others), and economic systems. The curriculum also covers the role of national governments and international institutions, and the historical and legal context in which economic events unfold. Students will gain an intellectual curiosity and the ability to think critically about economic issues, as well as the data management and analysis skills the labour market increasingly demands.

The bachelor’s degree course in Economics, data analysis and management provides foundational knowledge of economics, business and law, in addition to basic quantitative training in mathematics, statistics and computer science. Third-year students can choose elective, multidisciplinary courses delving deeper into specific areas of economics and business and courses on law or quantitative methods. An internship can be included as part of the curriculum.


Admission and enrolment

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First selection procedure's scrolling of ranking (June 2024) has been published


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Laura Pagani
President of the Teaching Coordination Council
Laura Pagani