We have improved our service!
Are you interested in the evaluation of a Foreign Degree in order to obtain the corresponding Italian degree (equivalence)? Starting from March 1st, it will be possible to book an appointment with our help desk.
You will receive support in checking all necessary documentation required by this University. Then you will be able to start the online process and to pay the required fee.
The online procedure for submitting your evaluation request will be available from March 1st to June 1st.
Postponement of the opening date for the evaluation requests of foreign qualifications
We would like to inform you that the opening date for submitting evaluation requests for the equivalence of foreign qualifications has been postponed, as some steps of the online procedure are still being defined.
The opening will take place no later than mid-March. The exact date and further details regarding the procedure will be communicated soon.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.
Please take notice of the following:
The application for recognition of Professional Qualifications already obtained in a foreign country must be sent directly to the competent Ministry;
Regarding foreign degrees in the Medical Area, it is also noted that the University does not have, in the years following the first, reserved places aimed at allowing the possible integration and completion of the educational pathway. Therefore, requests for Equivalence are not accepted.
Likewise, for the single-cycle master’s degree course in Primary teacher education, which qualifies for teaching, the University does not accept applications for recognition of qualifications obtained abroad. As in the case of courses related to the medical area, the recognition of teaching qualifications obtained in a foreign Country must be requested directly to the competent Ministry.
What what does the procedure require?
- The submission of the application is considered complete only upon payment of the related fee;
- The review of the documentation by the International Admissions & Credential Evaluations Office is made in collaboration with the applicant;
- The 90 days' deadline for conclusion of the procedure will start from the date in which the International Admissions & Credential Evaluations Office sends the confirmation email of completeness of the documentation.
1. The applicant, during the opening period of the procedure, before submitting the application online, books an appointment with the "International Admissions & Credential Evaluations Desk" by selecting the option "equipollenza"; the applicant presents the required documentation in original and receives assistance in checking its completeness
2. The applicant submits the application through the Segreterie Online platform and attaches the documentation in PDF format
3. The applicant, at the end of the online procedure, prints the Application Receipt and the Pago PA Receipt for the payment of the contribution for the evaluation of the foreign academic degree. The amount is decided annually by the Board of Directors of the University of Milano-Bicocca and amounts to 216.00 € (200.00 € contribution + 16.00 € stamp duty) for each application submitted.
4. The International Admissions & Credential Evaluations Office verifies the fee's payment
5. The International Admissions & Credential Evaluations Office shares the applicant’s data and all documentation to the "Segreteria Didattica" responsible for the study course for which recognition is requested and informs the applicant of the contact email
6. The "Segreteria Didattica" reports back to the Evaluation committee composed by the Department’s Professors and then collects the results of the evaluation and prepares the approval resolution.
7. The "Segreteria Didattica" shall communicate the outcome of the evaluation request both to the "Ufficio Gestione Carriere" and the applicant within 90 days after fee's payment.
All didactic evaluations pertain to the Evaluation committee composed by the Department’s Professors.
The Evaluation committee requires the following documents:
- Final diploma of upper secondary school accompanied by an official translation** and legalized*;
- Academic title accompanied by an official translation** and legalized*;
- Declaration of value, issued by the responsible Italian Diplomatic Mission; in alternative, it is possible to present the Diploma supplement;
- Transcript of records with the attended courses and taken exams accompanied by an official translation** and legalized*; in alternative, it is possible to present the Diploma supplement;
- Syllabus of the attended courses accompanied by an Italian or English translation;
- CV (curriculum vitae) comprehensive of eventual work experiences relevant to the academic title for which recognition is sought;
- Copy of the identity document, and in case of non-EU citizenship, copy of the residence permit.
*Some Countries are exempt from the legalization apostille. For further information, please consult the following Web page: http://www.cimea.it/it/servizi/procedure-dititoli-de-recognition-the-titoli/glossario.aspx
** Official translation: a sworn translation if obtained in Italy (Translation Agencies or Courts) or legalised translation issued by the Embassy if done abroad.
The evaluation request outcome can be:
- direct recognition: the corresponding Italian diploma is issued without the need to take further examinations or submit final papers.
Direct recognition of the foreign title is declared by Rector Decree.
In this case, the issuing of the corresponding original Degree Certificate requires payment of stamp duty.
- the request to take further exams/obtain additional credits and/or submit final papers to fill the part of the curriculum of studies not covered by the foreign degree in order to issue the corresponding Italian degree.
This results in an enrolment proposal with previous academic career to the relevant UNIMIB study programme.
The Evaluation committee composed by the Department’s Professors examine applications of foreign academic titles.
- The 90 days' deadline for conclusion of the procedure will start from the date in which the International Admissions & Credential Evaluations Office sends the confirmation email of completeness of the documentation.
Any question on the outcome of the application should be addressed directly to the Didactic Structure.