Pre-enrolment, language proficiency and enrolment

If you reside abroad and need a visa for studying in Italy, you will have to consider all the steps that we will explain below.
We remind you that, under the Ministerial Circular "Procedures for entry, the stay, the matriculation of international students and the relative recognitionof qualifications, for the courses of higher education in Italy" published annually by the MUR, the refusal to issue a visa to enter Italy means the clousure of the university career

ATTENTION: For the application and enrolment in the Single Cycle Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, please refer to the procedures indicated in the specific Notice of Competition at the following link: . Please remember that in order to obtain your visa it is mandatory to upload a B2 level English proficiency certificate and your high school diploma officially translated and legalized.

  1. Choose the study course that is right for you:
  2. Check carefully the deadline of the call for admissions or the date by which you can apply through DreamApply

Once you have applied on DreamApply you will have to go to the Universitaly portal and select "Pre-enrol now" under the menu "International Students" on the right:

  • Select the academic year and fill in all the required fields. You can find a tutorial inside the website.
  • Make sure you enter correctly all your information as in your passport. It is important that there are no differences as this information will be transmitted directly to the Embassy for the visa.
  • It is mandatory to submit the same documents that you have uploaded on DreamApply in your Universitaly application.

The transition to Universitaly is compulsory for all applicants with non-EU citizenship. If you have submitted your pre-registration to another University, do not worry, contact us by email at [email protected] to receive information and support.

It will not be possible to apply for a visa at the Embassy without having previously registered on the Universitaly portal. 

If you need a visa, you will need to prove that you have the linguistic qualification required by the university of destination. You can prove that you have it if you have a certification* of at least B2 level in Italian or if you have been exempted from the study course of interest. You can check the exemption within the program announcement.

(*) Only the certificates of competence of the Italian language in degrees not lower than B2 of the Council of Europe issued by the III University of Rome, by the Universities for Foreigners of Perugia and Siena, by the legally recognized non-state University for foreigners "Dante Alighieri "of Reggio Calabria and the" Dante Alighieri "Society, also in agreement with the Italian Cultural Institutes abroad or other subjects. CLIQ certificates - Italian language quality certification are also valid.

If you do not have a certification or are exempt from the course of study, you will need to take a language proficiency test.

Language proficiency test

If the exemption is not provided, you will have to take the test to verify that the level of Italian you have is suitable. From this year the tests will be only online through CISIA TEST ITA L-2 @CASA.

What is it and how does it work?

The ITA L-2 @CASA TEST is a test developed by CISIA, different from language certifications, to support participating universities in verifying the knowledge of the Italian language for students from non-European countries applying for a visa, who want to enrol in a university in Italy. You can find the technical instructions for the test attached above.

When can I do it?

The ITA L-2 @CASA TEST can be taken several times. The dates for 2025 are: 25th March, 15th April, 20th May, 10th June, 8th July, 22nd July, 23rd September, 7th October, 21st October.

You can take the test more than once. Make sure you sign up by the deadline.

How much does it cost?

Each time you sign up for the test you will have to pay 30 euros.

How do I prepare?

The structure of the test includes a listening section, a reading section and an additional section dedicated to language structures with written texts to be completed  a total of 72 questions to be carried out in 120 minutes. 
Find all the details on the dedicated page.

What kind of certification do I get?

You will not get a certificate but a final score which will determine your eligibility. The minimum score required by our university is 48/72.

How do I sign up?

To register, you will need to go to the online student registry and follow the instructions in the Annex (ITA L-2 @CASA TEST Guide to registration)

Where can I find more information?

You can consult the CISIA website

You will be able to enroll only on condition that you have passed the TEST ITA L-2 @CASA and you have been admitted to the desired degree program. The test must also be passed by the deadline for enrollment of the desired degree program.

by Settore Affari Internazionali, last updated on 20/03/2025