Medicine and Surgery (Italian)

6 years
limited with national admission test
School of Medicine and Surgery
Presentation of the course

The Single Cycle Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery belongs to Class LM-41 (Classes of Master’s Degrees in Medicine and Surgery), has a duration of six years and involves the acquisition of 360 university study credits (CFUs) leading to the award of the degree. 

Admission to the course of study occurs via a scheduled national process, with a ranking produced on the basis of a national admission test.

The official language of the course is Italian

At the end of the course, the qualification of Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery is issued.
This qualification enables access to second-level postgraduate programmes, PhDs and Specialisation Schools.
Holders of a Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery can register on the professional register of Surgeons, provided they pass a state exam.
The Degree course intends to provide solid cultural and methodological preparation in biomedical and psychosocial disciplines, with the aim of encouraging the development of professional skills and values.
The central pillar of the course is the importance of both curing illness and taking care of human beings - this will allow graduates of the Medicine and Surgery course to gain a multi-discipline, inter-professional, integrated outlook on some of the most common problems in terms of health and disease and a focus on disease prevention and the promotion of good health in communities and local areas.

As part of the course, students will gain knowledge regarding basic science, the processes involved in diseases and the mechanisms that cause these, enabling them to adopt the correct approach to prevention, diagnosis and treatment, including from a gender-specific perspective. The teaching method features the vertical and transversal integration of teachings across pre-clinical and clinical disciplines, early contact with patients (from the second year of the course) and a teaching approach based on active methodologies, with small tutor groups, with the aim of developing an ability to solve problems, take decisions and correctly apply translational research. In this manner, we aim to lay the foundations of an education that must last in time and accompany the doctor throughout their time in the profession, both through independent learning, according to the principles of evidence-based medicine, and through clinical methodology applied to individual patients.

Single Cycle master's degree in Medicine and Surgery entirely taught in English is available here.

Number of students enrolled
Overall student satisfaction
Graduation rate
Data source: Indicatori Anvur - Anno 2021 - dati al 01/04/2023

Admission and enrolment

Information for candidates a.y. 2024/2025


Calls for Application A.Y. 2024/2025

President of the Teaching Coordination Council