Navigazione rapida corso di laurea
The Bachelor’s Degree in Dental Hygiene, qualifying for the health profession of dental hygienist, has a duration of three years and involves the acquisition of 180 university credits (CFU) for the achievement of the title. There are 16 exams that provide for the acquisition of 168 CFU. The remaining credits will be acquired through other training activities such as internships, traineeships, activities chosen by the student and the final exam.
Indicatively, the examinations scheduled are 6 in the first year, 6 in the second year, 4 in the third year.
The course is open to local programming: the ranking is based on the outcome of a multiple choice test.
Access is obtained after verification of the possession of the curricular requirements.
The official language of the course is Italian. Some course lessons may be held in English.
At the end of the studies, the Degree in Dental Hygiene is awarded.
The degree allows access to first level Masters, to the Master Degree in Dental Hygiene. Graduates in Dental Hygiene have the possibility to enroll in section B of the professional register of Dental Hygienists.
The Degree Program is oriented to provide a solid cultural and methodological preparation in the dental hygiene disciplines with a strong practical connotation that will allow graduates to immediately enter the final professional qualification examination on the labor market with full mastery of the techniques and of the treatments inherent to his professional figure. The student's operational contact with patients from the first year of the course is strategic to allow the graduate full operational autonomy as soon as the course is finished.
The training internships provided during the three years of the course on the most innovative methods in the dental hygiene field allow a constant updating of professional knowledge in parallel with the new instrumental innovations and therapeutic protocols proposed by the research and by companies operating in the sector.
Admission and enrolment
The national admission test will take place on 05 September 2024
The Call for Application - A.Y. 2024/2025 will be published after the issuance of the Ministerial Decree regulating the tests
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