Biotechnology in Medicine

2 years
open with entry requirements examination
School of Medicine and Surgery
Presentation of the course

The Master’s Degree in Biotechnology in Medicine of the University of Milano Bicocca belongs to the class of Degrees in Medical, Veterinary and Pharmacological Biotechnology, has a duration of two years and requires the acquisition of 120 university credits in order to obtain the degree. 

University of Milano Bicocca and the University Paris Diderot (Paris 7) have started a common program that allows the students to obtain a degree recognized in Italy and abroad: Degree in Medical Biotechnology and European Master in Genetics.

At the end of the course the student will obtain a Degree in Medical Biotechnology.
This title allows the admission to Masters (second level), PhD programs and fellowship programs in the medical field (only those in which biotechnologists are admitted).

This course wants to provide a solid cultural and methodological preparation in the most advanced biology and biotechnology application in the medical field. The possibility to reach these goals is facilitated by the synergy between the teachers of the course, including both basic scientists and those performing clinical studies. For this reason the students will gain a better understanding of translational medicine.

The experience and skills obtained during the course will allow our graduates to take an active part in research, development of innovative biotechnologies, design of biomedical systems, in particular those involved in diagnosis and treatment of human diseases.

Number of students enrolled
Overall student satisfaction
Graduation rate
Data source: Indicatori Anvur - Anno 2020 - dati al 02/04/2022

Admission and enrolment

The Call for Admission A.Y. 2024/2025 will be issued by 15 July 2024

President of the Teaching Coordination Council
Raffaella Meneveri