Director: Prof. Simona Sacchi
Deputy Director: Prof. Simone Sulpizio
All three curricula are aimed at training people to be highly qualified in various subjects depending on the curriculum and equipping them to operate in both academia and business, in the public and private spheres. In line with the Department of Excellence Development Project, the PhDs will be able to conduct basic research that brings what is learned to the business sector where the role of human factors is relevant to the development of technology. Taking advantage of the facilities at the Departments of Excellence centers MiBTec and Bi.CApP (, PhDs will use virtual and augmented reality paradigms, and be trained in psychological and linguistic app development.
The Mind, Brain and Behavior track is meant to train qualified people in psychological measurement, cognitive neuroscience, perception, attention, cognitive processes and language in all stages of lifespan.
The Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology track is meant to train qualified people in the subjects of thinking and reasoning, motivation, clinical and dynamic psychology, social psychology and the psychology of organizations in all stages of life.
The International Experimental and Applied Psychology track is meant to train qualified people in environmental psychology, applied cognitive psychology, effective public communication, social perception and behavior perception.
The International track stems from collaboration with the University of Surrey ( It requires two years of coursework at the University of Milano-Bicocca and one year at the University of Surrey. Graduates of this program will obtain a double degree.
- Methodological skills, specifically experimental methods, psychophysics and psychometrics that can be used in ergonomics, data analytics and in coordinating research in complex organizations
- Skills related to Language Sciences and Developmental Psychology that can be used in professions dealing with written and oral communication, in pre-school, primary school and multicultural settings.
- Neuropsychological skills (neuroimaging and cognitive electrophysiology) related to behavior disorders caused by lesions or cerebral dysfunction in different stages of life. These competences can be used in diagnostic and rehabilitation processes.
- Social, cognitive and organizational skills that can be used in business and community settings to promote social well-being and manage communication, decision-making strategies and personnel training
- When combined with clinical skills, the former can be used in health and business settings to deal with the issue of the well-being, health and safety of individuals and groups
- Clinical skills that can be used in the fields of health and education to evaluate risk/protective factors at all stages of life, plan intervention strategies and build diagnostic models that are more appropriate for current needs
- psychological factors that can promote sustainability, including communication
- the interaction between technology and psychological factors at the individual and group level
The teaching programme comprises common and specific courses for the three different curricula. The courses equip PhD students with methodological and theoretical tools to analyse individual and social behavior and to investigate the neural basis of human behavior.
Furthermore, studies provide knowledge and skills on how to write a scientific paper and to analyze the specialized literature.
All the educational activities offered are available on e-learning platform:
Arosio Fabrizio | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Bricolo Emanuela | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Bulf Hermann Sergio | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Cecchetto Carlo | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Costantini Giulio | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Daini Roberta | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Foppolo Francesca | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Gallace Alberto | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Gallucci Marcello | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Girelli Luisa | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Guasti Maria Teresa | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Macchi Cassia Viola Marina | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Maravita Angelo | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Marelli Marco | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Marzocchi Gian Marco | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Nava Elena | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Panzeri Francesca | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Paulesu Eraldo | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Perugini Marco | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Proverbio Alice Mado | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Quadrelli Ermanno | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Reverberi Franco Carlo | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Ricciardelli Paola | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Richetin Juliette | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Romano Daniele Luigi | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Salomone Erica | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Sulpizio Simone | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Tettamanti Marco Dante Plinio | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Turati Chiara | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Zampini Laura | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Zogmaister Cristina | University of Milano-Bicocca | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Actis Grosso Rossana | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Antonelli Mauro | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Baldissarri Cristina | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Brambilla Marco | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Calati Raffaella | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
D’Addario Marco | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
De Carli Pietro | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Di Mattei Valentina Elisabetta | Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Di Pierro Rossella | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Durante Federica | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Gabbiadini Alessandro | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Madeddu Fabio | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Mari Silvia | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Miglioretti Massimo | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Montali Lorenzo | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Pancani Luca | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Parolin Laura Antonia L. | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Preti Emanuele | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Prunas Antonio | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Riva Paolo | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Riva Crugnola Cristina | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Sacchi Simona | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Santona Alessandra M. Roberta | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Sarracino Diego | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Simbula Silvia | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Steca Patrizia | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Tagini Angela | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Velasco Veronica | University of Milano-Bicocca | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Fasoli Fabio | University of Surrey, UK | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Gatersleben Birgitta | University of Surrey, UK | Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
Sauerland Ulrich | Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS), Berlin, DE | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |
Silvanto Juha | University of Surrey, UK | The Mind, Brain and Behavior |