Cultural and Social Anthropology

Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
2 years
open with entry requirements examination
Department of Human Sciences for Education "Riccardo Massa"
Presentation of the course

The Master’s Degree in Anthropology and Ethnology provides a fundamental training in social and cultural anthropology. It teaches students to approach human beings as parts of plural, diverse and rich cultures and societies.

Both theoretical and applied concerns are at the core of the Master's course. The programme trains professionals who are required by specific structures or wider contexts to respond with responsibility and sensibility to the main challenges of contemporary societies: intercultural cohabitation, migrations and integration, citizenship and rights, cooperation and development, securization and valorisation of heritage, securization and management of resources and the environment, types of families and their
transformation, interreligious dialogue and economic relationships with new markets.

Assets of the Master's programme are: the amount and the variety of specific anthropological courses; an interdisciplinary approach granted by courses in philosophy, educational sciences, geography and sociology; the professors' international profile; a heightened attention to area studies.
Students are encouraged to spend time in international exchanges, to train in organizations, associations or enterprises whose focus is coherent with the aims of the Master's programme, and to carry out ethnographic researches.

Some courses may be taught in English.

At the conclusion of the programme the successful students obtain a Master’s Degree in Anthropology and Ethnology, which gives access to Master's 2 and Doctoral programmes.

Number of students enrolled
Overall student satisfaction
Graduation rate
Data source: indicatori Anvur - anno 2021 - dati al 1/04/2023

Admission and enrolment

2025/2026 INTAKE
Application procedure

Reopening of admissions for the 2024/2025 academic year

President of the Teaching Coordination Council