The international Doctoral Programme URBEUR is networked with a number of outstanding European Universities: University of Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Delft, Lièges, London, Leuven, Oulu, Paris, Wien. It offers scholars, researchers and professionals a programme of study designed to deliver a broad and thorough grounding in the field, along with the skills to develop specific areas of expertise. It provides for the development of methodological skills for qualitative work as well as for quantitative analysis. Special emphasis is placed on the acquisition of interdisciplinary competences thorough knowledge of comparative approaches.
The programme trains highs-level researchers and experts for careers in universities and other research institutions, as well as in international and national institutions and organizations. More than 50% of our Ph.D. graduates hold an academic position in Italy or abroad, where they are able to carry out research projects, usually along with teaching responsibilities.
Thanks to its interdisciplinary and international structure, URBEUR has been recognized by the Ministry of University and Research as an Innovative Doctoral Programme. In line with the strategies identified by the National Research Plan 2015-2020, starting this year it offers two PhD scholarships with executive path (so-called Innovative-Intersectorial Ph.D Programme) through two agreements with two social enterprises that provide double supervision and joint definition of research programs on the topics of urban regeneration and social housing.
Director: Prof. Matteo Colleoni
Deputy Director: Prof. Marianna D'Ovidio
Organizational secretary: Vanessa Mascia Turri - [email protected]
The Programme offers scholars, researchers and professionals a programme of study designed to deliver a broad and thorough grounding in the field, along with the skills to develop specific areas of expertise. The Programme provides for the development of methodological skills for qualitative as work, as well as those necessary for quantitative analysis. Special emphasis is placed on the acquisition of interdisciplinary competences, thorough knowledge of comparative approaches, and the language skills necessary to work at a professional level in a global environment.
In the first year, intensive teaching classes and seminars are designed to provide:
- in-depth knowledge of the social sciences, focusing in particular on new theoretical and research directions in urban sociology, the transformations of local and national welfare systems, globalisation processes and their impact on cities, the new inequalities, urban segregation, and urban policies in general; impact of new technologies, social innovation and networks; environment, space and society.
- advanced quantitative and qualitative methodological skills, suitable for conducting territorial comparative research;
- acquisition of language skills necessary to perform at a professional level in a global environment.
Instruction is in English and encompasses methodological and thematic modules.
Methodological modules:
- Social research design
- Quantitative methods for the social sciences
- Ethnographic field-work and qualitative research methods
Thematic modules:
- Global cities and urban transformation models
- Social change, crisis and local systems: theoretical and methodological issues
- Networks, social capital and territorial development
- Urban and regional economics
Mobility policy and projects
Co-tutorships and joint degrees with partner universities as well as long term research stays at European universities are encouraged.
Tuition fees are very low and scholarships are adequate to cover living expenses in Milan. Scholarships are increased by 50% for authorised research time spent abroad.
All the educational activities offered are available on e-learning platform:
Bagnoli Lorenzo | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Benassi David Amerigo | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Bernardi Monica | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Bifulco Lavinia | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Borrelli Nunzia | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Bottini Luca | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Castiglioni Ida | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Cavalca Guido Gabriele | University of Salerno |
Coletto Diego | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Colleoni Matteo | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Coppola Alessandro | Politecnico di Milano |
D’Ovidio Marianna | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Daconto Luca | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Dell’Agnese Elena | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Dines Nicholas | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Ghezzi Simone | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Grasso Marco | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Gruning Barbara | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Maneri Marcello | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Mozzana Carlotta | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Mugnano Silvia | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Navarini Gianmarco | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Nuvolati Giampaolo | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Petrillo Agostino | Politecnico di Milano |
Polizzi Emanuele Maria | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Quassoli Fabio | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Ranci Ortigosa Costanzo | Politecnico di Milano |
Romito Marco | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Sekulic Tatjana | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Serughetti Giorgia | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Tosi Simone | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Blokland Talja | Humboldt University of Berlin - DE |
Bonvin Jean Michel | Université de Genève, CH |
Centemeri Laura | CNRS/EHESS Paris, FR |
Cousin Bruno | Sciences Po Paris, FR |
Froud Julie | University of Manchestern, UK |
Kazepov Yuri | University of Vienna, AT |
Keck Frederic | CNRS - Collège de France-EHESS, FR |
Kleinhans Reinout | University of Delft, NL |
Martiniello Marco | Université de Liège, BE |
Pareja-Eastaway Monserrat | Universitat de Barcelona, ES |
Pradel Miquel Marc | Universitat de Barcelona, ES |
Pratt Andy | University of London, UK |