Smoke-Free Bicocca

Smoke Free

Milano - Bicocca becomes a Smoke Free Area

The University of Milano-Bicocca has decided to implement a smoke free policy, with the approval of Regulations for applying the smoking ban in force as of 2nd January 2020. 

The two main objectives of this decision are: 

  1. to protect everyone's health and safety by reducing their exposure to passive smoking;
  2. boost the culture of health at the institution.

Provisions set forth in the Regulations are applied inside and around university buildings used for any reason and extend to areas designated for exclusive University use at other premises as well as buildings to be opened in the future, with the specific purpose of guaranteeing the right to health and the protection of operators in the pursuit of their activities at the University and third parties with access to the University for any reason, against risks linked to exposure to passive smoking.

Employees, students of University courses and everyone who accesses buildings and University facilities are required to comply with the smoking ban.
The University requires the appointment of persons responsible for ensuring compliance with the ban, ascertaining any breaches thereof and taking due action by preparing a special report.

Smoke Free

The University has designated and set-up special smoking areas in Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo 1 and in Piazza della Scienza, marked by special signs and which have been fitted with ash trays.
Over the next few months, smoking areas will be set up across other University buildings.

Map of Smoking Areas

Survey on smoking habits

In addition to the creation of dedicated areas, a smoking habits survey was conducted, from which it emerged that there is a lower percentage of smokers at Bicocca compared to the national average, coupled with a high number of smokers willing to take measures to give up.

Competition for ideas

A competition for ideas is now under way, with a cash prize for students who come up with the best campaign and the best video to encourage students to give up smoking. 
The Occupational Health Physician is in charge of health at the University and is required to organise and pursue the following:
  • Healthcare surveillance
  • First Aid/ Triage, health counselling through the Healthcare Service
  • Healthcare training
  • The Promotion of Health (life styles, work-related stress...)
Activities are aimed at students, employees and external non-employed staff of the University, in compliance with relative laws and regulations in force (Italian Legislative Decree 81/2008) and in compliance with WHO recommendations (Healthy workplaces: a model for action-Geneva 2010)
by Redazione Centrale, Last update on 2020-03-06