1st Semester AY 2019-2020
Business Administration LANGUAGE: ENGLISH
Data Management for Clinical Research LANGUAGE: ITALIAN
Marketing Management-M3 LANGUAGE: ITALIAN
Management and Digital Transformation - Soft and Digital Skills for New Business Models LANGUAGE: ITALIAN
Management for Human Capital Development LANGUAGE: ITALIAN
MTSM-Tourism Strategy and Management LANGUAGE: ITALIAN
SMARTUP - International Master in Entrepreneurship LANGUAGE: ENGLISH
Sustainability in Law, Finance and Management LANGUAGE: ITALIAN AND ENGLISH
2nd Semester AY 2019-2020
Administration, Control and Auditing LANGUAGE: ITALIAN
Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics LANGUAGE: ITALIAN
Food and society: innovating practices, policies and food markets LANGUAGE: ITALIAN
Sports Law and Employment Relationships in Sport LANGUAGE: ITALIAN
Management of public services, utilities and mobility LANGUAGE: ITALIAN
MTSM – Tourism Strategy and Management II semester LANGUAGE: ITALIAN
Nudges and public policy: behavioural economics and cognitive sciences in organisation, communication and regulation in the public and private sectors LANGUAGE: ITALIAN
1st Semester AY 2019-2020
Executive Master’s in Business Accounting and Taxation LANGUAGE: ITALIAN
2nd Semester AY 2019-2020
Epidemiological and biostatistical methodology for clinical research LANGUAGE: ITALIAN