Nudges and public policy: behavioural economics and cognitive sciences in organisation, communication and regulation in the public and private sectors


Laura Macchi - Riccardo Viale


The main objective of the Master’s is to provide specific skills associated with research into and planning of projects linked to Public Policy, via an approach that applies Behavioural Economics and Cognitive Sciences principles to public and private organisations. Particular attention will be placed on the integration of scientific and humanist knowledge, something indicative of the social sciences field, through the participation of professionals from various different backgrounds in the teaching body (psychology, economics, sociology, law, philosophy).


Holders of Bachelor’s Degrees, Degrees in accordance with Ministerial Decree 509/99, three-year University Diploma or single-cycle Master’s Degree

Preferred qualification is a Degree in psychology, economics, law or philosophy.


April 2020 - April 2021


Tel. 02.64487529; 348.7834650.

[email protected]; [email protected]

by Redazione Centrale, Last update on 2020-03-04