SMARTUP - International Master in Entrepreneurship



SMARTUP – Master’s Programme in Entrepreneurship is one of the key outputs of the Erasmus+ Project “SMARTUP: Startup Master and Advanced Reflective Tools by University & Partner”. It is the result of a cooperation effort between higher education institutions, companies, the European Crowdfunding Network and business foundations from 9 EU countries, and Stanford University.

OBJECTIVES: SMARTUP Master’s Programme aims to train highly qualified students and entrepreneurs in the fields of intrepreneurship and innovation, support them in the construction of their entrepreneurial mindset, as well as in the acquisition of the practical know-how, assist them in coping with the challenges of creating a successful entrepreneurial venture in an international business environment. After completing the Master's Degree programme, student will be able to generate successful business ideas utilizing design thinking methods; exploit new business opportunies, create, test and pitch new business models and a business plan with a go- to- market plan, lead and manage complex business development operations, and work individually and in teams as to collaborate with different and international partners successfully.

PROGRAM STRUCTURE: The Master Programme can be described as student’s journey to entrepreneurship. The contents of the SMARTUP Master Programme foresee a combination of compulsory modules in Entrepreneurship and specialization modules linked to the following macro-specialization:
Digital Innovation,
Green Economy,
Social Innovation.

The combination of compulsory and specialization modules, webinars, mentorship models and networking events will characterize each student journey.

The Master is designed as a part-time programme offered in blended learning, alternating face-to-face lectures (offline) to activities carried out on the digital platform (online):
50% of the lectures and labs are implemented as face-to-face sessions, focusing on basic studies including business cases.
50% of the courses/classes are conducted with blended learning methods, such as online studies (e.g. webinars, project work, exercises, creating business or marketing plans and business games and coaching apps).

MODULES of the Master Programme:

Compulsory studies 
‐   Introduction to design thinking (open day)
‐   Journey to entrepreneurship
‐   Design thinking workshop
‐   Becoming Entrepreneur
‐   Building Collaboration
‐   Growing the Business
‐   Demonstration (open day)

Elective Specialization Studies
‐   Smart Cities and Communities
‐   Sustainable Business
‐   Trends & Disruptive Business Models in Social Media
‐   Social innovation
‐   Technology Trends and Opportunities
‐   Innovation Management
‐   Social Media Metrics Analyses and Action
‐   Creative advertising
‐   Business Game

Other activities
‐   Projects
‐   Thesis
‐   Project work

TARGET GROUP: University graduates with 3 years bachelor degree or its equivalent across any discipline and with the motivation to become an entrepreneur

PROGRAM DURATION: January 2018 – December 2018


INFO: [email protected], [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF THE MASTER: Prof.ssa Elisabetta Marafioti


by Area didattica e dei servizi agli studenti, last updated on 30/01/2020