Bicocca for peace

bicocca for peace

The University of Milan-Bicocca is making available 3 scholarships with the aim of welcoming and supporting female students of Afghan nationality, enabling them to start or continue a university course at the University.

The scholarships, with a duration of one year, which may be extended, will be granted for the academic year 24/25 and include:

a) a cash benefit of the monthly amount of 350.00 Euros (gross recipient);
b) free housing service at university residences;
c) free catering service at university canteens for 1 meal a day for 6 days a week, in addition to
the right to use the remaining meals at a discounted price corresponding to the first bracket
for DSU students;
d) total exemption from any amount due for university enrolment, including the regional tax for
the right to education.

Furthermore, the study path of the beneficiaries will be supported by mentorship, tutoring and orientation services. Italian language courses, personalised services for students with disabilities or specific learning disorders and psychological counselling services will be provided. 

Deadline for online application is 6th June 2024

The University of Milan-Bicocca is making available 12 scholarships with the aim of welcoming and supporting students of Ukrainian nationality and students holding international protection status, enabling them to start or continue a university course at the University.

Ten scholarships are intended for students of Ukrainian nationality or under international protection in Ukraine, the remaining two scholarships are for students under international protection in Italy.

The scholarships, with a duration of one year, which may be extended, will be granted for the academic year 22/23.

The selected students will be the beneficiaries of a scholarship with a total annual value of € 9,625.00, including a cash benefit of the gross amount of € 350.00 per month, total exemption from any amount due for university enrolment, accommodation in the university residences and food service in the university canteens for 1 meal a day for 6 days (in addition to the right to use the remaining meals at a discounted price). 

Furthermore, the study path of the beneficiaries will be supported by mentorship, tutoring and orientation services. Italian language courses, personalised services for students with disabilities or specific learning disorders and psychological counselling services will be provided. 


Deadline for online application is 19th July 2022.


The University of Milano-Bicocca promotes an initiative to support the Ukrainian scientific community by providing 10 Fellowship grants for Visiting Professors and Visiting Researchers coming from Ukraine.
Positions have a duration of three months, and are open to professors and/or researchers currently working for Ukrainian Universities or Research Centres, with the aim of offering them the possibility to continue their research and/or teaching activities at our University.

Deadline for online applications is 8th June 2022.

The Doctoral School is reserving 9 scholarships to refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection (8% of the University scholarships announced).
In particular, the PhD Programmes involved are as follows:

  • Economics, Statistics and Data Science
  • Computer Science
  • Education in Contemporary Society
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Legal Sciences
  • Materials Science and Nanotechnology
  • Chemical, Geological and Environmental Sciences
  • Psychology, Linguistics and Cognitive Neurosciences
  • URBEUR-Urban Studies