Interdisciplinary Master in Children's Right

Economico-Statistica Giuridica
Master Interdisciplinare sui diritti dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza
05 November 2022 -
05 November 2023
€ 3.500

Presentation of the course

The Interdisciplinary Master in Children's Right provides training in the field of protection of children, adolescents and their rights:
- for workers who work with and for children and adolescents;
- for all those involved in promoting, protecting and guaranteeing the rights of children and adolescents;

The Master aims to:

- make available to the participants solid knowledge of the most important national and international instruments for the protection and promotion of the rights of children and adolescents, in a theoretical and practical dimension.

- provide operational programming tools with a view to human rights of childhood and adolescence (Child Rights Programming).

- provide functional conceptual and operational tools for the implementation of a concrete protection of the rights of children and adolescents, analyzing in details all the relevant national and international legislation and, in particular, the individual provisions of the UN Convention on the rights of children.

- enable participants to transform the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into a powerful operational tool at the service of professionals who work with and for children and adolescents and for all those involved in promoting, protecting and guaranteeing their rights: lawyers, psychologists, sociologists, judges, legal guardians, social workers, educators, teachers, professionals working in the institutional sector and in non-governmental organizations, journalists and academics.

- learn knowledge and skills in relation to specific profiles of the subject, such as corporate social responsibility and international criminal responsibility for crimes committed against children.

Admission and enrolment


Application for admission by 27/09/2022


Francesco Zacchè

Scientific Committee


Francesco Zacchè 


Silvia Buzzelli 

Giandomenico Dodaro 

Lorenzo Giasanti

Carla Gulotta 

Raffaele Mantegazza 

Alessandra Deborah Borsato 

Albero Colorni Vitale 

Chiara Zanetti



Tel. + 3902465477225

E-mail [email protected]