FAQ admission PhD programme

When and where is the call for applications published?
The Call for Applications is published at the following link: https://en.unimib.it/education/postgraduates/doctoral-research-phd-programmes/applying-doctorate  in the Calls section

Once the registration is completed it is possible to modify it?
No, once the application has been completed it is no longer possible to modify or even delete it 

During the registration it is possible to go back to previous passages and modify?
No, it is necessary to cancel and start again. Documents that has been correctly uploaded will be kept by the system

I have registered, but I can't remember my username or password. 
Connect to the Online Secretariat and follow the procedure to regenerate your password. You can find all the information at the following link

I'm a graduand. Can I apply? 
Yes, undergraduates can apply for admission as long as they graduate by 31 October 2025. 
If accepted onto the PhD course, they will need to send a substitute statement of certification to [email protected] specifying the date on which they received their degree and the mark they achieved. 

If a PhD course has several curricula, can I apply for more than one? 
No, it is not possible

I am working, can I apply for a competition? 
Yes, but bear in mind that admission to the PhD programme entails a full-time commitment; the compatibility of extra-curricular activities with the training activities of PhD students will be assessed by the Board of Professors of each PhD programme.

I have finished filling in the application form but I cannot print the receipt.  
Only after paying the participation fee will it be possible to return to the Online Secretariat, view and print the application/receipt.

What should I do with the registration receipt? 
Once payment has been received by the University of Milan-Bicocca, it will be possible to view and print, via the online secretariat service, the enrolment receipt, which will be kept by the candidate.

Do I have to pay a fee for admission to the competition? 
Yes, each application for admission refers to a single PhD course and involves the payment of a fee of € 10.00.
If you wish to take part in more than one competition, you will have to submit more than one application and make the relevant payments by the deadline specified in the Call. 
Non-EU citizens not resident in Italy are exempt from paying the fee.

How do I pay the fee for admission to the competition? 
Through the ""pagoPA"" payment system. At the end of the online admission procedure, by clicking on the PAYMENTS button, it will be possible to make the payment of the expense contribution through the PagoPA system. 
You can make payments through PagoPA in 2 ways:
1. Print out the payment slip, which can be paid in a bank, at a tobacconist's, at an ATM or in a supermarket. Warning! It is not possible to pay at the Italian Post Office;
2. Online payment by accessing the PagoPA platform. In this case it is possible to pay by credit/debit card, current account or other payment methods"

I did not complete the application by the deadline, can I send all the documents by email? 
No, the application for admission must be submitted exclusively electronically via the University of Milan Bicocca website, by accessing the online secretariat  https://s3w.si.unimib.it by and no later than the deadline indicated in the call for applications.

I enrolled for a position announced in Session I, can I participate in Session II?
No, those enrolled on Session I positions are not eligible to participate in the selections of subsequent Session. Such subjects, if enrolled in Session II, will be excluded from it automatically after enrollment.

I took part in Session I and was among the successful candidates. Can I take part in Session II?

I took part in Session I and was not successful. Can I take part in Session II?

I participated in Session I and waived a position. Can I take part in Session II?

I have registered for Session II but I am eligible for a Session I ranking. What happens if I am offered a position in a previous Session?
If a candidate registered for Session II enrolls on a Session I position, he/she will be automatically excluded from the Session II competition.

Can I submit other qualifications in addition to those required by the Call? 
The Selection Boards may only assess the documents specified in the call for applications.

I have uploaded the degrees obtained in the specific section, do I have to send the self-certification as well? 
Once you have selected and entered your degrees in the appropriate sections, you do not need to submit any self-certification; the entry itself serves as self-certification.

When I have finished entering the assessable qualifications, I cannot continue in the procedure, I get the message: "You must enter the correct number of assessable qualifications for each type". 
Some of the required qualifications are compulsory; if they are not uploaded, the application cannot be continued. For compulsory qualifications, the minimum number of titles that can be uploaded, indicated in the sidebar, is 1, while for optional titles the minimum number is 0.  

What is meant by publications in extenso?
Publications in their full versions. 

What is meant by self-certification? 
Declaration in lieu of certification or self-certification is a signed declaration on plain paper (=no revenue stamp) in which a statement is made under one's own responsibility. 

Where can I find a self-certification template? 
A model is proposed in the call for applications: https://www.unimib.it/sites/default/files/Dottori_di_ricerca/Autocertificazione_generica.pdf  https://www.unimib.it/sites/default/files/Allegati/Dichiarazione%20sostitutiva%20di%20certificazione_conseg.titolo%20ed%20esami.pdf 

Should self-certification be signed? 
Yes, under penalty. of invalidity of the self-certification

When to use the self-certification model?
Self-certification or declaration in lieu of certification must be used to declare everything that is contained in public registers and which is, therefore, verifiable by means of the original certificates (e.g. qualifications, family status, etc.). 

Can a curriculum vitae replace self-certifications? 
No, the information included in the curriculum vitae cannot be assessed by the Commission (see art. 4 of the call for applications).

I am a non-European citizen, can I self-certify? 
Citizens of non-European Union Member States legally residing in Italy may self-certify, in Italian or English, only those states, facts and personal qualities that can be certified or attested to by Italian public bodies. For all other matters it is necessary to attach the appropriate documentation.

What are project scholarship positions?
They are positions where the scholarship is linked to a particular research project, which must be carried out during the PhD programme. For a description of project scholarships, please consult the Calls section at the following link

How do I express my interest in a project scholarship?
For some PhD programmes it is possible to express interest in the project scholarship(s) (from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 2 preferences) by filling in a questionnaire according to the guide.

Is there a minimum score in the evaluation of qualifications and research project for access to the oral test?
Some programmes require you to reach a minimum threshold both in the assessment of qualifications and  in the research project in order to pass the oral test; you will find this information in the "Examination information" box of each programme. 

When will the results of the evaluation of qualifications be published and when will my interview take place?  
The date of publication of the results of the assessment of qualifications and the research project is indicated on the individual PhD Programme sheets. At the same time, the calendar of oral examinations is published in the results table, where you will find the date and time of your interview

When will the merit ranking lists be published? 
After the conclusion of the admission tests. 

I forgot to enclose the 'Declaration for enrolment' form when I enrolled. What can I do? 
No problem, you can send the pdf form with a copy of a valid identity document to [email protected] and we will process it.

by Scuola di dottorato, last updated on 21/03/2025