The MSc. Degree in Materials Science is an International 2-year post graduate degree program offered by the University of Milano-Bicocca in the field of Materials Sciences Engineering degrees (LM-53).
The official language of the Course is English.
At the end of the programme the student earns the Master of Science in Materials Science. The MSc Degree allows the student to apply for second level masters and PhD Course. The programme provides the student with advanced knowledge in Physics and Chemistry of materials, together with modelling approaches and experimental techniques of materials characterization, with practical activities in experimental laboratories.
General aim of the MSc. Degree in Materials Science is to create individuals with a multiple view approach in tackling new tasks for research and technology innovation where materials science is the main source of new sustainable solutions.
Deadlines to apply from June 16th till September 14th, 2020 - Oral examination dates (in remote interview as well, if requested): September 25th, 2020
The applications for admission must be presented online at the University of Milano-Bicocca’s website and following the instructions below.
- Select Online Student Registry
- Select Registration and follow the instructions to obtain username and password
- By using your personal credentials Log in
- Select Enrollment in an evaluation Test
Please NOTE:
Once your application is submitted, it will not be possible to attach any other documents.
Applicants are recommended to prepare their documentation before registering. Self‐certifications are only valid if signed with autograph signature.
During the registration process, applicants are required to enter the following documents:
1) Upload valid ID document (Identity card or passport);
2) ID photo in digital format (bitmap or jpeg) with a resolution of at least 300x400 pixel;
3) Upload of your titles, as indicated below.
a) if you earned or are earning a Degree in the University of Milano‐Bicocca:
It is not necessary to show self‐certifications of qualifications obtained or to be acquired in the University
of Milano‐Bicocca; the acquisition of which will be carried out officially;
- Other titles and/orstatements of other activities.
- Certification of English B2 level (except for students from BSc Course in “Scienza dei Materiali” at the University of Milano‐Bicocca)
b) candidates with an Italian degree (from other Universities):
- Mandatory self‐certification of their academic qualification with marks and/or self‐certifications of exams and marks. The form is available at this link: https://www.unimib.it/sites/default/files/autocertificazioneicsrizioneuniversitconseguimentotitoloesami_1.pdf
- Other titles and/or statements of other activities.
- B2 English certification (see section below on English certifications).
c) candidates who have not yet earned their degree (from other Universities):
- Mandatory self‐certification of their enrollment with transcript of records.
- Other titles and/or certifications of other activities.
- B2 English certification (see section below on English certifications).
d) candidates with a foreign degree:
- first level Degree certification
- transcript of records
- translation of the documents(at point 1 and 2) in Italian or English if issued in a different language
- Diploma Supplement or Statement of local validity or certificate CIMEA, if already available*
- any other documents held by the candidate that are deemed useful to assess the qualification eligibility for the selected master’s degree course (e.g. programs of the exams (syllabus))
*If you don’t attach your Diploma Supplement or Statement of local validity or certificate CIMEA, it is mandatory to be sent to the welcome desk by e-mail ([email protected]) by 45 days from the enrollment.
UE citizens may self‐certify the documents indicated at point 1 and 2.
Extra UE‐citizens with a residence permit, may self‐certificate only what is certifiable by Italian public offices.
These candidates must also upload, as all other candidates, the following documents:
- Other titles and/or certifications of other activities.
- B2 English certification (see section below on English certifications).
For further information on foreign degrees please contact [email protected].
The board of examiners will analyze the applicant documents. and will reply with an eligibility letter.
The final results will be published at the following link: https://elearning.unimib.it/course/view.php?id=17945
Candidates will be admitted to the program according to the ranking.
Admitted students have to enroll by October 26th 2020.
Further information is available at this link https://en.unimib.it/education/how-enrol
How to apply
The applications for admission must be presented online at the University of Milano-Bicocca’s website at the Online Student Registry link and following the instructions below.
To register and to submit the application, please see the How To Apply section of this page.
Please NOTE: If you enroll in January-March 2021, you will have to pay the fees of the whole academic year.
Eligibility for admission
The board of examiners will analyze the applicant documents and will publish the results not later than on February 12th 2021.
The final results will be published at the following link https://elearning.unimib.it/course/view.php?id=17945
Candidates will be admitted to the program according to the ranking.
Admitted students will have to enroll by March 9th 2021
Please NOTE: admission to the exams of the 1st semester classes requires the students to attend the mandatory classes.
Further information are available at this link https://en.unimib.it/education/how-enrol