Anthem - AdvaNced Technologies for HumancentrEd Medicine | Call for application

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Monday 13 February 2023
Deadline 15th March 2023
Immagine Ateneo

Anthem - AdvaNced Technologies for HumancentrEd Medicine is one of the 4 projects funded under the "Call for research initiatives for innovative technologies and pathways in the health and welfare field" pursuant to Directorial Decree no. 931 of 6 June 2022.

Anthem aims to implement multidisciplinary initiatives aimed at bridging, with the help of innovative technologies and pathways, the existing gap in the care of frail and chronic patients within specific target territories and communities characterized by high incidence and/or orphan diseases.

The project, which envisages ministerial funding for 123.4 million euros, against a total investment of 125.2 millions, and the participation of 23 public and private partners is divided into four lines of intervention: technologies and data for diagnosis and treatment; smart environments and innovative sensors for proximity medicine; risk factors and tools for monitoring chronic patients; innovative therapeutic solutions for orphan pathologies.

As required by the aforementioned Call, the project activities are coordinated, managed and monitored by a HUB, a legal entity set up for the purpose, which in the case of Anthem is a participation foundation, that will also be the structure where the Program Manager will work.

Deadline for application 15th March 2023

a cura di Redazione Centrale, ultimo aggiornamento il 13/02/2023