M3 - Marketing Management

Economico-Statistica Giuridica
M3 - Marketing Management
29 November 2021 -
29 November 2022
€ 6.500

Presentation of the course

The goal of the master is to make the participants grow and prepare them for company life. The training course, on the one hand, develops skills in marketing management in terms of product, communication and distribution, and, on the other, includes moments dedicated to deepening linguistic, IT, relational and managerial knowledge, which are essential in everyday business life.

The full-time organization of the lessons and the presence of moments dedicated to group work and interventions by the business and institutional world help to increase the relational and communication skills of the students, to team up and to get used to the intensity of the company rhythms. The ninth edition provides from the didactic point of view a notable deepening of the contents related to digital communication and the management of social networks, as they are very requested by the labor market and, from a methodological point of view, intends to give great space to practical exercises, to business cases and projects in collaboration with companies.


Angelo Di Gregorio

Scientific Committee


Angelo Di Gregorio


Claudio Chiacchierini 

Roberto Chierici

Barbara Del Bosco

Alice Mazzucchelli

Cinzia Giglioni



Tel. 0264483261

E‐mail [email protected]