- U07, Floor: 2, Room: 2034
Please refer to my personal webpage for the updated Curriculum Vitae and further information.
Rigon, T., Herring, A., Dunson, D. (2023). A generalized Bayes framework for probabilistic clustering. BIOMETRIKA, 110(3), 559-578 [10.1093/biomet/asad004]. Detail
Zito, A., Rigon, T., Ovaskainen, O., Dunson, D. (2023). Bayesian Modeling of Sequential Discoveries. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, 118(544), 2521-2532 [10.1080/01621459.2022.2060835]. Detail
Lijoi, A., Pruenster, I., Rigon, T. (2024). Finite-dimensional Discrete Random Structures and Bayesian Clustering. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, 119(546), 929-941 [10.1080/01621459.2022.2149406]. Detail
Lijoi, A., Prünster, I., Rigon, T. (2020). The Pitman-Yor multinomial process for mixture modelling. BIOMETRIKA, 107(4), 891-906 [10.1093/biomet/asaa030]. Detail
Durante, D., Rigon, T. (2019). Conditionally conjugate mean-field variational Bayes for logistic models. STATISTICAL SCIENCE, 34(3), 472-485 [10.1214/19-STS712]. Detail
- Blackwell-Rosenbluth Award, The Junior Section of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (j-ISBA), 2024
- Mitchell Prize, American Statistical Association, International Society for Bayesian Analysis, 2023
- Premio Giovani Talenti, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca con il Patrocinio dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2021
- Savage Award in Theory & Methods, American Statistical Association, International Society of Bayesian Analysis and NBER-NSF, 2020
Editorial boards
- Associate Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - BAYESIAN ANALYSIS, 2022
Research and teaching assignments
- Ricercatore universitario a t.d. - Università degli Studi di MILANO-BICOCCA, 2024 - 2026