Network Management and Services Co-Design


Master offered in Italian

Monica Colombo, Paolo Rossi

The Master aims to develop the ability to exercise directional, managerial and consultancy roles in innovative terms, better suited to the complexity, uncertainty and problems that pass through the organizational networks involved in the production of services. In other words, the aim is to reinforce skills enabling students to promote the development of productive cooperations within the networks in which they operate or which they can activate.
The course aims to offer participants the opportunity to acquire skills and tools to address the expectations, demands and problems in the organizational networks, in particular:

  • to develop the ability to observe, analyze and interpret the territorial contexts and the organizational systems, in which there is the creation of services for the local communities’ quality of life (in a perspective integrating research and intervention);
  • to develop network management skills for the construction of inter-institutional organizational networks, the implementation of integrated projects, the finding and exploitation of economic and social resources, the regulation of conflicts of interest;
  • starting from the organizational position of each participant, to promote the development of a role profile that allows an effective exercise of the network management functions supported by an adequate instrumental equipment.

This Master program is designed for graduated candidates

November 2017 - April 2019

INFO: [email protected] - [email protected]

by Area didattica e dei servizi agli studenti, last updated on 16/02/2018