Associate professor  
Academic disciplines
Sociology of Politics (GSPS-07/A)
Office phone
Reception hours

From 2nd March to 30th June 2024 I will receive students in my office (U7, room 3067), or online via WebEx. I kindly ask you to contact me for the appointment a few days before by email ([email protected]).  





Tatjana Sekulić, PhD in Sociology at the University of Milan (1999), is Associate Professor of Political Sociology at the University of Milan-Bicocca, where she taught Political Sociology of Europe and Sociology of Education. Main fields of her research: European integration in polycentric perspective; new wars and contemporary conflicts; crimes of war and genocide studies; democratic transition of post-totalitarian regimes and new forms of totalitarianism; political culture; higher education structural and institutional transformation. Director of the International Summer School “Rethinking the Culture of Tolerance” (1° edition 2014-2016; 2° edition 2017-2019). Member of the Doctoral Program URBEUR-Urban Studies, University of Milan-Bicocca. Among her main publications: three books The European Union and the Paradox of Enlargement. The Complex Accession of the Western Balkans, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (June 2020); Od razorenog ka otvorenom društvu, (From Broken to Open Society), Sarajevo - Rabic 2014; Violenza etnica. I Balcani tra democrazia e etnonazionalismo, Roma: Carocci 2002. Articles and book chapters: “Politica” (with Giorgi A.) in Bifulco L. et al. (2018), Azione pubblica. Un glossario sui generis, Milano-Udine: Mimesis Edizione; “Cittadinanza europea tra exit e enter: quale ruolo del processo di Berlino?” in Coletti R. (a cura di) (2018), La questione orientale. I Balcani tra integrazione e sicurezza, Roma: Donzelli; “Scuola e religione nella società pluralistica”, (2017) NOTIZIE DI POLITEIA, XXXIII (127); “Constituting the social basis of the EU. Reflections from the European margins”, PACO Volume 9(2) (2016); “The Bosnian Puzzle of Higher Education in the Perspective of the Bologna Process”, in Zgaga P., Teichler U., Brennan J., The Globalisation Challenge for European Higher Education. Convergence and Diversity, Centres and Peripheries, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (2016); “Harmonization in Turbolent Times: Western Balkans’ Accession to the European Union” Sarajevo Social Science Review, Vol. 5, n.1-2/2016. Sekulić T. “Bosnia Erzegovina, l’Unione Europea e l’arte di vivere insieme. Sul ventennio degli Accordi di Dayton” in Motta G. (2017) Balcani e Europa a vent’anni dagli Accordi di Dayton, Roma: Aracne editrice.



European integration and enlargement in polycentric perspective; new wars and contemporary conflicts; forced migrations; human rights, crimes of war and genocide studies; democratic transition of post-totalitarian regimes and new forms of totalitarianism; international relations; political culture; higher education structural and institutional transformation. 


  • Sekulic, T. (2021). Reshaping the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina, from the Yugoslav Wars to the European Integration. In N. Stefanov, S. Radovic (a cura di), Boundaries and Borders in a Post-Yugoslav Space. A European Experience (pp. 203-223). De Gruyter [10.1515/9783110712766-010]. Detail

  • Sekulic, T. (2020). The European Union and the Paradox of Enlargement. The Complex Accession of the Western Balkans. Basingstoke : Palgave Macmillan [10.1007/978-3-030-42295-0]. Detail

  • Sekulic, T., Giorgi, A. (2018). Politica. In L. Bifulco, V. Borghi, M. Bricoccoli (a cura di), Azione pubblica. Un glossario sui generis (pp. 99-104). Mimesis Edizione. Detail

  • Sekulic, T. (2017). Scuola e religione nella società pluralistica. NOTIZIE DI POLITEIA, XXXIII(127), 49-60. Detail

  • Sekulic, T. (2016). Constituting the social basis of the eu reflections from the european margins. PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO, 9(2), 691-716 [10.1285/i20356609v9i2p691]. Detail

Research projects

CFI - Countering Foreign Interference
Year: 2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Constitution and EU Accession. An Academic Platform for Discussing the Options
Year: 2021
Call: Know-how Exchange Programme (KEP) Call for Proposals 2021
SEKULIC-Fondo per il finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca
Year: 2017
Call: FFABR 2017
Grantors: M.I.U.R. - MINISTERO DELL'ISTRUZIONE, DELL'UNIVERSITA' E DELLA RICERCA - UFFICIO I - Bilancio e Contabilita'. Coordinamento staff della Direzione