Associate professor  
Academic disciplines
Clinical Psychology (PSIC-04/B)
Scientific-Disciplinary Group:
Office phone
  • U06, Floor: 3, Room: 3127


  • DI SARNO, M., Müller, S., Wendt, L., DI PIERRO, R. (2024). Pathological Narcissism and Dynamics of Interpersonal Behavior and Affect in Individual Psychotherapy. Intervento presentato a: 21st European Conference on Personality, Berlino. Detail

  • Sprio, V., Mirra, L., Madeddu, F., Lopez-Castroman, J., Blasco-Fontecilla, H., Di Pierro, R., et al. (2024). Can clinical and subclinical forms of narcissism be considered risk factors for suicide-related outcomes? A systematic review. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH, 172(April 2024), 307-333 [10.1016/j.jpsychires.2024.02.017]. Detail

  • Rogoza, R., Krammer, G., Jauk, E., Flakus, M., Baran, L., Di Sarno, M., et al. (2024). The Peaks and Valleys of Narcissism: The Factor Structure of Narcissistic States and Their Relations to Trait Measures. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT, 36(2), 147-161 [10.1037/pas0001295]. Detail

  • Fanti, E., DI SARNO, M., DI PIERRO, R. (2024). Navigating a World of Enemies: The Impact of Personality Pathology Functioning in Paranoid Presentations.. Intervento presentato a: Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment - March 13-17 2024, San Diego, California. Detail

  • Fanti, E., Felici, C., Madeddu, F., DI PIERRO, R., Preti, E. (2024). Rolling in the Deep of Personality: a Network Analysis of the Revised Structured Interview for Personality Organization (STIPO-R) in Clinical and Non-Clinical Italian Samples.. Intervento presentato a: Congress of the Section of Clinical Psychology and Dynamics - Italian Association of Psychology (AIP), Salerno, Italy.. Detail