- U07, Floor: 3, Room: 3028
Provasi, R. (2024). The Gender Pay Gap (GPG): Evidence and Comparison between the Italian and UK Pay Systems. CORPORATE OWNERSHIP & CONTROL, 21(3), 83-92 [10.22495/cocv21i3siart7]. Detail
Provasi, R., Saracino, P. (2024). The correlation between financial and non-financial performance referred to a sample of banks listed on European stock exchanges. CORPORATE OWNERSHIP & CONTROL, 21(4), 106-116 [10.22495/cocv21i4art9]. Detail
Harasheh, M., Provas, I. (2023). A need for assurance: Do internal control systems integrate environmental, social, and governance factors?. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 30(1 (January 2023)), 384-401 [10.1002/csr.2361]. Detail
Buzzacchi, C., Apostoli, A., Provasi, R., Mazzucchelli, A., Saracino, P., Falcomer, B., et al. (2021). Dalle gender alle diversity quotas. Un impegno per società e istituzioni (C. Buzzacchi, R. Provasi, a cura di). Torino : Giappichelli. Detail
Provasi, R., Riva, P. (2021). La complessità del rapporto Banca Impresa nel post-Covid-19. Una lezione dal passato: " Titan" Amedeo P. Giannini. BANCA IMPRESA SOCIETÀ, 3/21, 441-467 [10.1435/101725]. Detail