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  • U07, Floor: 2, Room: 2067


  • Ding, L., Ponzano, M., Grotta, A., Adami, H., Xue, F., Lagerros, Y., et al. (2024). Ideal cardiovascular health and risk of death in a large Swedish cohort. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 24(1) [10.1186/s12889-024-17885-4]. Detail

  • Sjoblom, L., Hantikainen, E., Bellocco, R., Ye, W., Adami, H., Trolle Lagerros, Y., et al. (2024). Nordic Nutrition Recommendations and risk of myocardial infarction and stroke: a prospective cohort study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION [10.1007/s00394-024-03337-7]. Detail

  • Akerstedt, T., Bellocco, R., Widman, L., Eriksson, J., Ye, W., Adami, H., et al. (2023). The association of short and long sleep with mortality in men and women. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH [10.1111/jsr.13931]. Detail

  • Tolvanen, L., Ghilotti, F., Adami, H., Ye, W., Bonn, S., Bellocco, R., et al. (2023). Prospective study of weight loss and all-cause-, cardiovascular-, and cancer mortality. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 13(1) [10.1038/s41598-023-32977-8]. Detail

  • Wijkstrom, J., Caldinelli, A., Bruchfeld, A., Nowak, A., Artborg, A., Stendahl, M., et al. (2023). Results of the first nationwide cohort study of outcomes in dialysis and kidney transplant patients before and after vaccination for COVID-19. NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION, 38(11), 2607-2616 [10.1093/ndt/gfad151]. Detail

Research projects

PNRR per la Missione 4, componente 2 Investimento 1.1- Avviso 104/2022 | Modelli longitudinali per stimare l'associazione tra l'esposizione a schermi e dispositivi di comunicazione ed esiti di salute multipli nella coorte NINFEA
Year: 2022
Call: Bando PRIN 2022
Il Ruolo degli Antiossidanti nelle Patologie Tumorali: modelli epidemiologici e statistici
Year: 2010
Call: 2010-066 - PRIN 2009