Pets allowed in the offices of the University of Milano-Bicocca

Monday, 8 April 2024

Working side by side with a four-legged friend is now allowed at the University of Milano-Bicocca. With the regulations outlined in the 'Regolamento per l’accesso degli animali d’affezione del personale all’interno degli ambienti dell’Ateneo,' the University is offering all staff members - including professors, researchers, and technical, administrative, and library staff - the opportunity to bring their dogs or cats to work. 

Staff pets are allowed access to the offices if they meet certain requirements, including: an identification microchip; registration in the pet register; a health booklet; proof of vaccination and anti-parasite treatment; and, the signing of an insurance policy covering any damage caused by the animal to persons or property.

From a behavioural point of view, the animal hosted at the University must not have any problems such as aggression towards other dogs or people. From a health and hygiene point of view, for dogs and cats housed in the offices, owners are required to have everything necessary for their care with them.

Pets are not allowed in offices where there is direct and continuous contact with the public, classrooms and teaching laboratories, study rooms, conference and meeting rooms, the library, and canteen and coffee break areas. Additionally, pets are not permitted in places where outpatient health services or similar facilities are provided.

Employees will be able to enjoy the company of their four-legged friend subject to access authorisation from their manager and, in the case of shared offices, the formal consent of the other occupants of the room, as specified in the regulation that came into force on 28 March 2024. 

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